100 Wörter über Waldeinsamkeit

Waldeinsamkeit. Eins mit der Natur, allein mit sich selbst, doch ein Teil des Ganzen.

Der Wald umfängt mich, er streichelt meine Ohren und mein Herz. Gibt es etwas Wundervolleres? Ich gehe durch die Wildnis, das Laub raschelt unter meinen Füßen und die Äste knacken. Ein Reh springt erschreckt aus dem dichten Unterholz und ich stehe wie erstarrt. Plötzlich zerreißt ein Schrei die Stille. Ich bin nicht länger allein.

Neugierig über die Quelle tragen mich meine Füße hinfort. Ein kleines Mädchen ist von einem Baum gefallen. Ich helfe ihr auf und möchte sie trösten. Doch sie lächelt zwischen ihren Tränen. "Das Abenteuer war es wert."

More submissions by Rick for Write Weekly

How I made a program generating fairy tales: http://www.tinyworlds.org/blog/fairy-tales-by-a-co...

"Before you were born there lived an intelligent musician. One day the musician was abducted by a barbarian. She tricked the barbarian. Then the musician fled in terror."

for a better formatted post go here: http://www.tinyworlds.org/blog/adventure-malmo

Traveling alone to Malmö, Sweden was one of my favorite adventures of last year.


Sweden invest much money in culture and quality of living. I visited at the time of Malmö Festivalen - a festival free for everyone, including all the concerts of big Swedish and international artists.

It's interesting that they celebrate 200 years without war (!) this year.

Yet they also have some major issues. As in many European countries right now, groups of people are not open to cultural change. While most of the public appeared very open and socially advanced, there are radical groups which use the large number of immigrants as concept of an enemy.
50m away of where I shot this was an improvisatory immigrant camp.

I originally traveled to Malmö to participate in the Otherplace Festival, a small festival hosting innovative games and other forms of play, financed by the state of Sweden. In this image you can see me taking part in a roleplay, where we used headphones to block out every noise around us. We wandered trough the city, having just two handsigns to communicate. One to claim leadership and one to give it away.

As the rain stopped and we moved away from the roof a magic moment happened.
Just in the moment the ambient sound in our ears stopped playing, we saw a wonderful double rainbow all across the sky.

Adventure : Malmö
Go out and experience the world!

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