Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Title: Surviving space
Genre: Action, adventure.
Platform: Android, IOS (iPhone / iPad)
Audience: All people who like to play platform games on smart devices.
Description: You are a very important scientist and you were sent to the space to discover if there were inhabitants in other planets, but an asteroid to hit with your ship, sending you to a place out of orbit. Now you must survive, asteroids and space debris, to get to Earth alive.
It is the Story of Matius, an expert in science, who trained in the NASA to be able to make the expedition to space, since he had proof that in other planets there was life, which in a secret mission, is sent to space , so that it brings real proofs that confirm, that what it says is true.
This trip will bring adventure, action and a lot of challenges never before experienced by the human being and the biggest challenge is to be able to return safely to planet Earth.
This game will have a main character called Matius.
This game according to the level will have different configurations in the Horizontal game mode you can press in left and right directions in the part of the ends of the screen of your device, to be able to dodge the obstacles and in the Vertical mode, you can press consecutive form any part of the screen, to raise the ship to the necessary level, to avoid obstacles.
The color of the ships and the ships of the characters can be changed according to the model of ships.
You can decide if you want to play the game with music or decide using the mute button to mute the music and play the game silently.
The theme of the video game is:
Author of this topic:
The music of this game was taken from:
Video Game Cover:
Title: The Protector
Gender: Action
Platform: PS4,
Audience: Every lover of action video games.
Description: You are a professional frank shooter and have been hired to do what you do best and shoot from a long distance and not fail.
The president of Panama has had many death threats in recent weeks and have a tour of the country where he will have an open-air conference for all the people in the different provinces. You must protect the president's security and monitor that nobody tries to do anything to him, the President's security is in your hands.
Each level will have a different intensity and enemies each time more dangerous, from the enemy that tries to attack him in person with a knife, to other frank shooters.
You must stay alert, since at any moment an enemy leaves, who wants to kill the president.
In each level there can be more and more enemies and that is where you must demonstrate your agility to detect enemies and have an excellent aim.
Each level is a province and in each province different zones which the president will give conferences and you have a limited time to detect the enemy each zone will have a shorter time which will hinder your mission.
The video game will have a menu of little text in large print size for the best vision of all our users
In the configuration of the controls you can configure the buttons in the best way and the one you feel more comfortable, you could choose the buttons of shots, approach, and views of the character among others.
You can change the time in the configuration to detect enemies.
The game is adaptable to external devices such as rifles and shotguns compatible with ps4 to make the game more real.
The video game will have 3 characters: the first character is a frank shooter independent of a very formal dress, the second character is a frank shooter of the army with military clothing, and the third is a frank shooter who works his way with a style Particular and informal but that has much knowledge in the technological field.
Título: Jumpit
Género: Ocasiónales, Acción.
Plataforma: Android, IOS( iPhone/iPad )
Audiencia: Todas las personas que les gustar jugar juegos ocasionales y pasar un momento de des estrés junto a su dispositivos inteligentes.
Descripción: Debes mostrar la habilidad que tengas para coordinar saltos perfectos desde un punto a otro, mientras la superficie se mueve aleatoriamente, solo tienes unos minutos para decidir si saltas o esperas y si no decides correctamente habrás perdido la partida.
Mostraras tu habilidad para coordinar tu vista y tu precisión para poder pasar de nivel, cada nivel es distinto y la velocidad en que se mueve la superficie ira en aumento ten cuidado cuando piensas que la superficie se moverá a un ritmo eso puede variar y su personaje caerá al vació y habrás perdido
Este videojuego contara con varios personajes los cuales podrás elegir para poder cumplir cada reto en los diferentes niveles.
En su jugabilidad puedes presionar en cualquier parte de la pantalla de tu teléfono inteligente lo cual generará el salto de plataforma a plataforma
Este juego contará con un botón de audio el cual podrás decidir si escuchar o no el audio del videojuego.
Mas información:
Este juego es adecuado para todos los grupos de edad.
El tema musical del videojuego es:
Turn Me Out
Los autores de este tema son:
Steve Britton (Kathy Brown Vocal Remix)
La música de este juego fue sacada de:
Imagen de Portada:
Title: Infected
Gender: Action
Platform: PS4,
Audience: Every lover of action video games.
Description: A town within a province in Panama, is infected by a chemical, which makes people lose their common sense and become cannibals. The government of Panama does not want the plague to spread through the rest of the other towns and reach other provinces, for which they have hired you, to kill all the infected and not to leave the town alive.
A factory, inside a town in a province of Panama, suffers a fire and this accident, causes the chemicals inside the factory to spread in the air, where the first affected people became cannibals and converting others who were they crossed in their step.
You are the most wanted killer, but at the same time, the only one who can really end this plague. Your mission is to annihilate all those infected within the town and not allow anyone to go to another town and infect others.
You will have to test all your skills in self defense, weapon handling. Nobody in the rest of the country knows about this, so you can use the method that you think is most effective. The security of the rest of the country is in your hands.
The mission can be done individually, but also, you will have the online multiplayer mode, where you will have the opportunity to form a team and carry out the completion of this mission.
In Character Settings you can change the visual attributes of the character, such as clothing, skin color and even gender. You have the control of personalizing your character and doing it as close to you.
You can move forward, back, bend, pick up objects, throw bombs and much more. You can configure the camera movements and use the player in different views for example you can use your character having a full view of the character or a closer shot where you can only see their hands and weapons. You decide how to play. You can configure your mobility on the stage with the arrow (left, right, up and down) or the Joystick and you can change the buttons of shooting, recharging, covering yourself in your own way.
More information:
This game contains Violence and is in the category of video games for over 16 years of age
The theme of the video game is:
Author of this subject is:
The music of this game was taken from:
This art is only for academic purposes created by Josué Gutiérrez images taken from,, new-update-4-71-a-playstation-4 / ps4-logo /
Cover Image: PS4 Platform
Título: The Forbers.
Género: Aventura
Plataforma: Android, IOS( iPhone/iPad )
Audiencia: Todas las personas que les encanta, jugar juegos de aventuras.
Descripción: Son unas hermosas criaturas de mundos distintos, cada una con poderes y habilidades especiales. Disfruta conociendo cada uno de sus mundos y acompáñalos a descubrir los grandes desafíos, que te encontraras en cada mundo.
Bily Es el forber Rojo, una criatura adorable pero muy fuerte e inteligente. El es el líder y junto a sus compañeros Duba, Roy, Lia, y Kai pasaran aventuras inolvidables. Todo no será felicidad, por que el mal existe y son unas criaturas horribles los cuales se quieren apoderar de cada mundo y ellos no lo permitirán.
Podrás elegir el personaje que gustes para pasar cada aventura en los diferentes mundos, En este juego todo puede cambiar, según el mundo donde estés. Manejaras vehículos, aviones, y aprenderás de la cultura de cada Forbers
Mas información:
Este juego es adecuado para todos los grupos de edad.
El tema musical del videojuego es:
Música Instrumental de Fantasía y Aventura para Soñar
Los autores de este tema son:
Cosmo Música
La música de este juego fue sacada de:
Imagen de Portada
Title: Smart Soccer.
Genre: Sports
Platform: PS4, Xbox One
Audience: Any person who loves playing soccer games.
Description: You are the rookie trying to find an opportunity in great teams, you will have to go through many tests, start from low profile teams and show that you are a player who deserves to be in a great team. Many talent seekers will notice you and you have the decision to sign with the club of your dream.
It's time to show who you are, and face big challenges to achieve your goal. This is not about teams, nor players this is about you, you are the star and you can play in the teams you always dreamed of. Are you ready?
This game will have the new voice controller technology, where all the game and accessibility commands are configured to be controlled by your voice.
The decision to play with traditional controls, or this technology is yours.
If you have a camera device with bluetooth option you can take a photo and customize the background of the game or upload a photo from the memory of the playstation to customize the background photography.
You can include a photograph of your player's profile and customize the player so that it is as close to you as possible, changing the color of your skin, hair, body size, among other aspects and making this game very real.
More information:
This game is suitable for all age groups.
The theme of the video game is:
We out Here
The authors of this topic are:
Atomic Drum Assembly
The music of this game was taken from:
Cover Image: PS4 Platform
This art is only for academic purposes created by Josué Gutiérrez images taken from,, 4 / ps4-logo /
Cover Image: XBOX ONE Platform
This art is only for academic purposes created by Josué Gutiérrez images taken from,,
Título: Custodia Peligrosa
Género: Acción
Plataforma: PS4, Xbox One
Audiencia: Todo amante de los videojuegos de acción, que le gustan sentir adrenalina al disparar, en diferentes entornos y situaciones.
Descripción: Es La Historia de un Guardia que tenía como prioridad, trasladar a un reo de alta peligrosidad, hasta la cárcel de máxima seguridad, pero en el medio de la travesía hacia la cárcel, son intersectados por bandas criminales, en muchas ocasiones.
KILATE el hombre más buscado por las autoridades, antes de ser aprendido dijo frente a las cámaras, que iba a donar 50 millones de dólares, a quienes evitaran que este, pisara la cárcel. El detective STAN, le toca enfrentarse a cada organización criminal, que quiere esta recompensa, hasta llevar sano y salvo a el hombre más peligroso del país, hasta la cárcel.
Este juego se desplaza en tercera persona, lo cual tendrás control total sobre el personaje principal. Cuenta con el cambio de configuración de los botones de interacción de control de mando para tu mayor comodidad y el reo posee inteligencia artificial, lo cual tiene la instrucción, de seguir al guardia mientras este, esté vivo.
Más información:
Este juego contiene Violencia y está en la categoría de videojuegos para mayores de 16 años de edad
Imagen de Portada: Plataforma PS4
Este arte solo es para fines académicos creado por Josué Gutiérrez imágenes sacadas de , ,
Imagen de Portada: Plataforma XBOX ONE
Este arte solo es para fines académicos creado por Josué Gutiérrez imágenes sacadas de , ,
El tema musical del videojuego es:
Bad Boys II
Los autores de este tema son:
Nelly ft Puff Daddy & Murphy Lee
La música de este juego fue sacada de:
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I really like the premise - it has ship sections and on-foot sections correct? It gives me a Blaster Master Zero vibe!
I just wish you'd included how these sections transitioned between one another.