Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Dancing, Singing or Dying
Genre: Music, Narrative, Dance, Open World.
Platform: PC, Android phones and IOS.
Audience: young people with artistic tastes.
Game Description:
The game focuses on music and dance, it is a game where the character will look for a way to integrate to the world of the streets and nightclubs to pay the debt of his mother with some antisocial. For that instead of drugs and weapons uses a more accessible form that is fame. You will have to dance and learn new steps, besides it will allow you to sing with the external microphone to increase the range of fame doing dance and singing missions. The game is controlled in PC; with the mouse to move the camera, Keyboard to move (Directional keys Default) and to use different dance commands (W, A, S, D, Default) and items (F, G, H, Default), In addition to using the microphone to sing. For the Android version it is controlled with an analog tactile touch panel and action buttons, you can also customize everything to your liking. You will also be allowed to download or increase the graphics and optimize the mobility of your character.
Image Author: Patakki Cuban Cultural Industry
Nelson Cano Martínez
Johanna Escobar
Music: Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People
Eh lamento no poder despedirme de la mayoria de ustedes, personalmente... son personas geniales, lamento irme y me encanto conocerlos... no se que decir eh gracias en especial gracias profe. Es el mejor... lo aprecio mucho!
Gracias creadores💡.
Gender: Fight, action, 3D, third person and races.
Platform: Pc.
Audience: Aggressive people over 16, people who love Oriental culture (Otaku) and people who like sad stories.
Game description:
The game is simple, it consists of a 3D game where you will have to reach a point on the map mounted on the motorcycle holding a catana, on the way there will be different obstacles such as: the flamethrowers that will appear as soon as you advance, if you all the resistance bar will fall and you will lose automatically, you will have to start again and you will also have an energy bar, to replay a bone percentage will be subtracted, if you lose your energy by trying multiple times and fail, you will have to wait for it to fill up your energy bar what you need to try again, each level will be like this you will also have turbo options to get faster, you will not be able to go back only to lower the speed, when you arrive you will have to face them body to body using the catana.
There will also be random modes, such as:
Samurai Loco, where you will face your opponents with a variety of oriental weapons as well as weapons of war that will be at your base to take them and use them to defend all your team and your base, is a broad map consisting of 2 bases, one enemy and another which is the allied base, this mode can only be played with 2 or more players for each team, which can also be CPU and the player or players invited with the main player, you can choose which side to play, in this mode there will be secondary modes, such as: By flags; where the main objective is to get as many flags as possible, the flags will be located inside the opposite base, this mode has a timer that can modify the user and choose how long the game ends.
Afro samurai ... son of an African American and an Asian. The story begins in the East where "Afro" is only 10 years old, they kill his father in front of him and at the same time they rape his mother and then kill her, the boy is traumatized and his whole life is dedicated to seek revenge ... He returns unkind, unsociable and also realistic to go out to conquer those who destroyed his family.
The game is played like this:
Author of the Photo: Tera
Link of the photo:
Author of Music: Jameson Trumble
Music link:
Gender: Action, Flying (2D), Music.
Platform: Mobile ( Android and IOS).
Game description:
-The very entertaining the flying child game.
He is a boy who does not want to stay without doing anyting in his vacations and decides to leave the house.
the boy find a sign that says there is a go kart racing. But unintentinationally discovers that he can do more than that, from there the game begins by customizing an old fridge. You will start with just the go kart wheels and from there you will improve.
-Dozens of models and skills, and can update an improve the scope of the “plane" home. The game fucuses on islands (different islands on each level).
-While if you press a skills button when the song sounds louder, your fridge will fly farther or higher.
-Fantasy of aventure, you will see the character named Robin learning fly spatially through the moon, reach Mars and beyond just with an old modified fridge and adequate to be able to fly, you will earn money with every attempt.
-You will play and repeat It is tedious if you do not get that far until you can have money to make some improvement and so be able to fly higher. Each level ends when you finally get down safely at the other end of the island but to have more scored you should get higher.
-You will control the height and speed of takeoff of the home plane. Move the HUD you way either, skills button, or power up and controllers going down an up.
Genero: Mundo Abierto (Tercera persona), Acción y Carrera.
Plataforma: Ps4, Xbox, PsVita.
Audiencia: Este juego es para personas que les gusten las carreras y las cosas a azar para disfrutar de un mundo de posibilidades.
Descripción de el Juego:
El valiente Tyler. Era un chico como cualquier otro hasta que llego a toparse con unos tráiler de carga a los cuales anterior mente Tyler les había robado algo de la carga y para su suerte, lo reconocieron de inmediato. Tyler se enfrentará a todos sus miedos en un pueblo conocido como ruta 14, no podrás robar coches antes de cumplir terminar las misiones solo utilizaras los que se te otorguen en las misiones o comprarte uno con el dinero de las misiones (tendrás todo el tiempo pegado a el alguacil del pueblo). Tendrás que hacer misiones, carreras y demás. Hasta que por fin pueda salir de la ruta 14, después de superar todas las misiones y carreras podrá salir y disfrutar de algunos otros pueblos y regiones, hacer misiones secundarias y otras cosas.
-El Juego se controla en Ps4 y PsVita (Predeterminado): con los mismos comandos de movimiento de siempre en ambas consolas, para ingresar a un vehiculó ( Triángulo), para recargar alma (Cuadrado), para aceptar o correr (Esquís), y agacharse con (Círculo). Para utilizar un arma (L1), para ítem (R1), apuntar con (R2) y disparar con (L2). Mover la cámara con análogo (R).
-El Juego se controla en Xbox (Predeterminado): con los mismos comandos de movimiento de siempre consolas Xbox, para ingresar a un vehículo (Y), para recargar alma (X), para aceptar o correr (A), y agacharse con (B). Para utilizar un arma (LB), para ítem (RB), apuntar con (RT) y disparar con (LT). Mover la cámara con análogo (R).
Autor de la imagen: Carlos Paz
Autor de la canción: Set It Off
Rhythmic Speed
Gender: Platform
Platform: Pc, Android and IOS.
Audience: People with good reflexes, only players from 10 years old and up
Game Description:
-The game is based on the geometry Dash style combined with the Super Mario Bros style that combines both styles advancing to the rhythm of the music (Optional) to reach a maximum of points and break your record every time you reach a high level.
-The Game is controlled in PC (Default): With the arrow keys to advance, jump, back and shrink. The enhancers are operated with the (Mouse) and (Right Click).
-The Game is controlled in Android and IOS (Default):
To move forward, jump, rewind and shrink you have floating keys on the screen where you can move at will with transparent floating panels and have buttons at the corners to use the power-ups that you are given at each level.
Image Author: freewallpapers
Music:Implicit Demand For Proof - Twenty One Pilots
Lluvia De Esperanza
Género: Aventura.
Plataforma: Pc, Ps4.
Audiencia: Jóvenes de 14 años en adelante.
Descripción del juego:
El juego se trata de unos chicos de 15 y 24 años, de pocos recursos, trabajadores y frustrados por los que tienen mas no aprovechan salen a planear atracos y así salir de la pobreza. En el juego podrás visitar ciudades, robar coches y explorar infinidades de cosas.
-El Juego se controla en Pc (Predeterminado): Con las teclas de dirección para caminar o manejar los vehículos, las teclas ( W “Saltar”, A “Agacharse” , S “Aceptar, D “entrar a un vehículo”), las teclas ( J, K, L, I)para hacer otras acciones extras, apuntar (Clic izquierdo), disparar (Clic Derecho), cambiar de arma (Rueda del Ratón), recargar (Q) y la cámara se mueve con el (Moviendo el Ratón)
-El Juego se controla en Ps4 (Predeterminado): Con el análogo izquierdo para caminar o manejar los vehículos, los botones de acción ( Equis, Triangulo, Circulo, Cuadrado), los direccionales para hacer otras acciones extras, apuntar con el botón L2, disparar con el botón R2, cambiar de arma con R1, recargar con L1 y la cámara se mueve con el análogo derecho.
Autor De Imagen: Gustavo Zambrano
Música: It Was A Good Day– Ice Cube
Serafín Del Tiempo
Género: Acción, Narrativa.
Plataforma: Pc.
Audiencia: Personas con hábitos literarios.
Descripción del juego:
El juego se centra en la historia de un joven llamado Steve Stark que tenía una gran pasión por los libros, pero no son cualquier libro, son libros de magia oscura. En el juego se te permitirá decidir qué elecciones son mejor para Steven, Retroceder en el tiempo a tu antojo y también te llevara a lugares nunca explorados donde existen muchos villanos que deberás vencer con la ayuda de Tomas que posee una Katana mientras tu Utilizas un Serafín del tiempo. Con el objetivo de salvar a los inocentes. El juego se controla en Pc; con el mouse para mover la cámara, Teclado para moverse (teclas direccionales Predeterminado) y para usar diferentes comandos de ataque (W, A, S, D, Predeterminado) e ítems (F, G, H, Predeterminado), el juego te permitirá configurar los controles a tu gusto Serafín Del Tiempo te permitirá también bajar o incrementar los gráficos y optimizar la movilidad de tu personaje.
Autor De Imagen: Kovács József
Música: Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen
Post a comment
Pretty good plot. Saving one's family always gets me, especially if it's with groovy moves.
Could you tell me a bit more about how the dance moves themselves are used? Are the steps shown with their timing, or do you combo dancing to suit a person's tastes? Try to be a bit more detailed in that respect.
Do try to space out your paragraphs for neater formatting.