I managed my time pretty poorly today, mostly because an update bricked my computer and it took me about an hour to solve the problem, so I only did very little code. But at least that’s something!

Also, I wanted to stream but didn’t…

More submissions by Kooda Loutre for Daily Gamedev

I have to get back to speed… so I figured I should do anything to get me started.

I chose to do the most fun stuff, so I started playing with sound. This will be useful for any of my projects, since a game without any sound is always a bit sad.

I’m feeling quite down these last few days. I didn’t really make progress on the prototype, but I played around with my shader sandbox.

Had a party with friends yesterday (that’s why I broke the streak), and I was tired and quite depressed today… so I only worked a little bit on the prototype.

Continued working on the prototype for about an hour today.

Had some trouble finding the right way to use the physics library, and I’m not even sure it will work out correctly in the end… but that’s what a prototype is all about right? :D

I did a little bit of code today, that ended up not being super useful, but at least it lead me to new ideas about how to approach the problem.

My current view for the prototype is this:

  • 2D map, where the color indicates the altitude
  • A “brush” similar to what is found in art software to paint altitude changes… exactly like a paint program in fact. x)

Maybe at a later point I will add particle-like (circles) collisions and gravity-like behavior to simulate how the water would flow.

I could also make a 3D visualization of the thing, that would use the exact same internal representation of the 2D version.

Today I dusted off my setup for streaming, and we did more brainstorming around the project!

We tried to extract the very core ideas of the project to start working on a prototype.

The first prototype will probably only be about terrain manipulation. A bit like what you can find in map editors. That will be the core mechanic of the game, which will allow the players to move different resources around in order to create life-friendly conditions.

The players’ power to manipulate the terrain will be linked to the general state of the life on the planet. From temporary and very tiny modifications when alone and almost no life on the planet, to large scale permanent modifications when all the players cooperate and life flourishes.

Getting back to gamedev.

Today I did a big brainstorming session with a friend.

We want to make a chill/zen co-op multiplayer game where the players build a self-sufficient ecosystem by helping each other.

Attached: mindmap of the brainstorm (in french sorry)

No code today, but I installed a system and my toolchain on my new laptop. :)

Now I can code outside my home!

Some color tweaking and tests with rotations (which led to this trippy drunk mode).

Transitions is both directions, with tiny tweak of the interpolation.

Code for pulsations and better color flip.

Little refactoring.

Prettified the gameover screen and added some transitions! Looks nice now. :)

Not a lot happened, I added a simple game-over screen from which you can restart playing (before that the game was just quitting, ugh).

I also reorganized the code a bit, it seems cleaner and I’m quite happy with how it looks.

Hi there! Joining back streak.club.

I've been working on a Super Hexagon clone for a library I'm making.

Today I implemented a wall pattern system along with two patterns for it.

I still have to improve it before I make more patterns.

Here you can find the relevant commits:

Also, have some spiral pattern screenshots! ♥

Daily Gamedev

Do something related to your game every day!

joined 3,186 days ago
