Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
this was a dumb fanfic idea that i guess i'll reuse...
She can pick a target and steal their eyesight (view through their eyes). The victim usually isn't aware that they are being spied on. Her main ability would be forcing her victims to stare at a certain point and be unable to turn away from it, that person will become oddly enamored with the object. She can also 'freeze' herself or lock her into place to make her blend into her surroundings as long as she's standing still. She can mess with her opponents optic nerve and change how they perceive their surroundings.
I love how the questions about this ability are what would happen when encountering other creepypasta gals
She's very creepy and good. She looks like she's falling apart which is yes. If she meets another woman who has hand eyes can she steal her hand eye vision. If she meets a spider girl who has like ten eyes is that too many eyes and overwhelming to her, making them natural nemeses. You've given me just enough information to have a dozen questions
this was harder to draw than it looked, lol. i also went with a slightly different palette for beedo because it looked better to my eye
bonus beedo below for u ash, ur welcom
almost forgot to post. i like the palette for hans (on the left) better than fletcher's.
oh above them are their family crests
joined 3,504 days ago
@smolio all it takes is an icky creepy girl to get my full attention and make me forget humans exist