Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
A random vampire x nun concept that I drew that other day with @blkmkt | PB
@Penbee Oh please, I'm no Bible thumper. (Nor am I that easy to offend trust me lol)This is delightful. =w=
I am glad and I hope that it isn't too offensive or destructive or anything since you are Catholic.
I may try to draw more art of them! They are fairly easy to draw lots of art of them very quickly and I would like to draw more non-serious pairing art of them when not working on Darklord Grandma
I still crack up every time I see these characters. Troubled youth Alucard is BEST Alucard.
I LOVE THEM ALL. It warms my Catholic (yet intrigue for demon lore) heart. ;w
omg a pairing I didn't know I wanted <3
I haven't really been on Streak Club much. I'd like to post here more often. I'm still teaching myself animation on the side.
The fun thing about learning animation has been animating such silly things | PB
joined 3,370 days ago
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@Penbee Oh please, I'm no Bible thumper. (Nor am I that easy to offend trust me lol)This is delightful. =w=
I am glad and I hope that it isn't too offensive or destructive or anything since you are Catholic.
I may try to draw more art of them! They are fairly easy to draw lots of art of them very quickly and I would like to draw more non-serious pairing art of them when not working on Darklord Grandma
I still crack up every time I see these characters. Troubled youth Alucard is BEST Alucard.
I LOVE THEM ALL. It warms my Catholic (yet intrigue for demon lore) heart. ;w
omg a pairing I didn't know I wanted <3