I just wanted to stop in and say how much I appreciate everyone being so supportive of my work over here on Streak Club. Before I started posting here, I was uncomfortable posting any work unless it was fully fleshed out and complete. This community has slowly helped me to relax and take pride in my progress work as well. Thanks Everyone! | PB

JJLG8 years ago

Yes! Always love your process on your pieces!

artbohemian8 years ago

i agree with stephan. keep it up!!!


Stephan8 years ago

It's always a joy to see your images. =)

To other artists progress work is probably at least as interesting as the finished piece.

More submissions by Penbee for Daily Art Club

A submission by Penbee for Daily Art Club

I haven't really been on Streak Club much. I'd like to post here more often. I'm still teaching myself animation on the side.

A submission by Penbee for Daily Art Club

The fun thing about learning animation has been animating such silly things | PB

Daily Art Club

Make art every day, how long can you last?

joined 3,454 days ago
