Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Lately I've been using Clip Paint Studio as opposed to Photoshop CC! It goes much faster and having access to Onion Skinning has been helping oodles!
you're getting sooooo good at animating! i love the movement in this one! what program do you use?
I haven't really been on Streak Club much. I'd like to post here more often. I'm still teaching myself animation on the side.
The fun thing about learning animation has been animating such silly things | PB
joined 3,455 days ago
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Lately I've been using Clip Paint Studio as opposed to Photoshop CC! It goes much faster and having access to Onion Skinning has been helping oodles!
you're getting sooooo good at animating! i love the movement in this one! what program do you use?