Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
You are the captain of a pirate ship in the golden age of the 1650's. You and your ship are infamous across the caribbean, tearing apart pirate and naval ship alike with superior armaments. Your exploits have attracted the unwanted attention of the english navy and they've issued an unseemly award for your capture. Now every pirate sailor and milkmaid in the caribbean is after your blood and nowhere is safe. Thus you and your crew head East into the North Atlantic Ocean, hoping to find another archipelago to terrorise.
Unfortunately your path leads you directly into the mysterious bermuda triangle, a place that few ever return from. After a few days sailing here it becomes apparent that this patch of ocean follows very different rules to the rest of the world. Navigation by star chart is impossible and the needle of your compass never stays still. You and your crew must fight off ancient impossible leviathans, unpredictable storms and mysterious decaying ships piloted by long lost crews.
Throughout the scattered islands of this place you find cryptic messages and symbols, if decoded, they may tell you the way out.
Asymmetric multiplayer puzzle platformer
A game for two players.
Features collaborative asymmetric gameplay. Both players have the same ultimate goal but individual short term goals.
One person plays as a character with simple platforming abilities (jump, wall jump e.c.t). Their goal is to navigate each level, avoiding dangerous obstacles, enemies and pits. They would need platforming skills predominantly.
The other person would play as a poltergeist type character. They would be able to fly around the level and be unaffected by enemies and danger. They would, however be able to interact with the environmental aspects of the level. They could move blocks, cover up deadly spikes, trap enemies e.c.t. They would treat each level like a puzzle, setting up the environment so that the platforming character would be able to navigate it (this would be impossible with the initial setup of each level). They would need puzzle solving skills as well as an understanding of the limitations and abilities of the platformer. Their ultimate goal would be getting the platformer to the end of each level.
For more difficult levels, the puzzler would need to solve levels quickly as the screen would auto scroll to the right. If the platformer was caught out by the edge of the screen they would die and both players would fail.
Game set on the moon
Core Mechanics:
Game takes place on a colonised moon. Human colonies live in massive biodomes which are not easy to travel between.
One day, all communication from one of the smaller domes suddenly and mysteriously stops. This is suspiciously combined with a moon-wide systems malfunction which inhibits the vehicle systems. Transit between domes becomes extremely timely and perilous.
Despite this, your character has been sent to investigate the other dome and see what has befallen it.
They must journey across the surface, using primitive, low range vehicles to travel through outposts and other domes.
Along their journey the character would solve puzzles (including many physics ones to make use of the low gravity) In the vehicle and foot sections that took place outside of the outpost the player would have to be aware of their depleting oxygen level adding urgency to their movements. At one point you would need to collect various parts from wreckages on the surface in order to progress.
The whole time, you are guided and coached over earpiece by one of your superiors in your dome.
Genre: unconventional platformer.
This plucky square has only one goal, to reach the end of the stage. Too bad squares don't have legs, I guess you'll have to lend a hand.
Instead of the character jumping and moving, you must use the level itself to get him to the end of the stage. The screen can be shaken, jolted, twisted and spun in order to manipulate the square and objects within the level. Physics applies to everything so changing the orientation of the screen would change the relative direction of gravity. Jolting the screen in a direction would transfer momentum to any loose items, causing them to fly in a direction.
There would also be powerups available in some stages. For example, one that morphs the character into a circle to make for easy rollin. These power ups would be colour coded and would also change the colour of your character.
The visual style would be very simple 2d, with flat contrasting shapes and colours
The game could be played with a mouse, controller, motion controls or on mobile devices.
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Platform: PC
Genre: Strategy
You play an ex Nazi scientist, condemned after the war for your horrific experiments. Exiled from your country you continue your work in secret
You are given a library of human and animal body parts with which to build the perfect killing machine. More parts are unlocked as the player progresses. The game would have both a single player mode, with similar level design and goals as besiege (kill all the enemies) and a multiplayer mode. The multiplayer mode would be a deathmatch between two players creations.
The combat system would be reliant on a physics engine. Limbs and wings would facilitate movement, punching and kicking. There would also be the option to incorporate claws, stingers and poison with animal parts. You could even have the blood squirting eyes of the horned lizard or the self sacrificing ability to violently eject your bowels like a sea cucumber.
The art style would be 3D, cartoony and low poly with an exaggerated floppyness. The overall tone would be humerous.
2D aerial platformer
You must help plucky testdroid number 3 navigate a deadly series of chambers, flinging him around obstacles with the miraculous gravity point technology.
Players must navigate a series of levels filled with various deadly obstacles using the main movement mechanic, gravity. Clicking and holding with the mouse button on any point on the screen creates a point of gravitational attraction which sucks the player towards it. The point can be dragged around the screen and only lasts as long as the mouse button is held down. Once it is released a new point can be created.
Using this method the character can be propelled in careful arcs around the level.
Each level consists of one room with a visible exit. The player's goal is to reach the exit. Every time they collide with a deadly obstacle the level resets and they must try again (some more difficult levels will have checkpoints).
The obstacles include; spinning saws which will either be stationary or move back and forth along set paths and spikes which line walls, floors and ceilings. Some exits will also be gated, requiring the player to fully explore the level and perform difficult maneuvers in order to pick up keys.Fusion of a real time fighting game and a guitar hero style rhythm game.
The player controls the character in the left hand side of the screen via four buttons, each of which correspond with a move (punch, kick, block e.ct.) These moves however need to be charged before they can be used. Which is where the rhythm game comes in. Along the bottom of the screen is a guitar hero-esque interface. Four different streams of notes scroll along the screen and each note crosses the bar at the end in time with the music. The four streams are different colours and each one corresponds with a specific move. The player must press a button corresponding to each note at the correct time in order to charge their moves. The player is not punished for missing the notes, only denied charge. Once a move has been charged it is stored with a counter - able to be used immediately or kept for later. Each move caps at a stored amount of 3. This facilitates strategy and combos. Each level is won when the enemy is defeated.
Platform: PC, Xbox one, PlayStation 4
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There's gophers in the golf course!
You're an exterminator who's been hired to help a golf course with its troublesome gopher problem. These gophers aren't like regular gophers, they're clever, they're tricky and they've been there a long time. Many an exterminator before you has been stumped by these little devils so you've decided to employ some slightly more extreme methods. Instead of bait or a garden hose you've got… explosives. Yep, just chuck em down the holes and hope it does the trick.
Touch based controls
Players swipe on the screen to throw various types of explosives and armaments down the gopher holes. They must aim well and use an appropriate intensity of swipe in order to land the explosives in the hole. Missing results in waste of ammo and damage to the surface of the golf course. Both of which may prevent a player from clearing the level.
As levels progress the difficulty increases with the number of holes increasing and the size and amount of spare ammunition decreasing.
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-PC Game
In this black comedy game you take the role of a poltergeist with the goal of killing every person present in the level. since you are a poltergeist they can't see you and you can't touch them. You can, however, possess the various objects that litter the rooms. You could simply click on a chandelier to make it fall on a victim as they pass underneath or create convoluted and creative chain reactions. This would be where the main appeal of the game would be. Each kill would give a certain number of points and the more creative and unusual the kill, the higher the score. The total score at the end would then be fed into a star rating system and the player would receive 1-3 stars for completing the level. Levels would be grouped into sets with a certain number of stars needed to unlock the next set.
Each level is a new building, with many rooms, items and victims. There would be a progression in difficulty as the building size, population and number of possessable objects increased
Gameplay would further be complicated by the AI of the humans. If they witnessed too much supernatural activity or the death of a colleague, their behaviour (movement patterns and interaction) would become more erratic and unpredictable. This would make it more difficult for the player to anticipate their movements and time the attacks. This encourages the player the play it a little bit stealthy or terrorise their victims for kicks.
Reference Image: turn based strategy game played on a grid style map based on colonial New Zealand. The player takes the role of European settlers as they colonise New Zealand and encounter the native population.
As the game progresses the player is presented with choices relating to the expansion of economic, military, and social policies for the colonial faction. The paths taken regarding these policies with drive development of the nation and relationship with the native population in either positive or negative directions.
The game mechanics echo that of the Civilisation and Total War series. The map is split into different territories with towns/cities occupying each. As the game progresses these settlements develop based on tech-trees chosen by the player.
Each one has the ability to train different unit types e.g. military, diplomatic, or economic. The amount of investment the player puts into these different unit groups is a strong driving factor for the chosen path of development for the country.
A Besieged style game where to player is given a set of parts to use in order to construct the best downhill racing car. Players would construct their car with the parts they have available and then race them against a computer controlled opponent. They would be able to control the steering and braking of the car during the race but there is no acceleration. Each level would have a new opponent to beat with different properties and difficulty. The baseline for completing a level would be to beat the opponent but there would be bonus objectives to complete that would award a better rank. For example, you must beat this opponent using only wooden parts. The player would unlock more parts as they progressed and as they completed the bonus objectives. These objectives would sometimes be wacky and so might the parts that you unlock for doing them. E.g. you must finish the level facing backwards. You would also be able to customise your creation with paints and decals. The game would use a realistic physics system to determine how things played out.
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In an ancient Mayan temple sits a boulder, dutifully guarding the great wealth stored inside and patiently awaiting the day that someone might dare to take it.
In this mobile phone game you play a large boulder, hell bent on squashing the adventurers who've pilfered mayan gold.
You were chosen by the temple builders millenia ago and imbued with powerful magic, giving you unique abilities and all consuming drive to protect the treasure
Each level is procedurally generated but set at a specific difficulty level. So levels increase in difficulty as you play but are always unique. The goal in each level would be to catch up to the thief, who has gotten a large head start and crush them into a fine paste.
The player is able to swipe the boulder left and right to avoid obstacles that slow you down and collide with ones that speed you up. Game ending chasms would have jumps that the boulder must roll over in order to make it across.
As the adventurer flees, they gradually drop their loot, leaving gold coins behind for the boulder to roll over and pick up. Picking up a certain number of these coins would grant the boulder a morality boost and give a randomised power up.
This would be a mobile game. You are a dwarven farmer, using common magics to cultivate crops of beautiful crystals in the outskirts of an underground kingdom. Dwarven mines are renowned for their rare and precious minerals, with other races from far across the realm willing to pay top gold for the treasure.
You desire the wealth that comes from selling these gems but lack the patience and skill to mine for them. Instead you grow cheap crystals in your fields and sell them to gullible customers at exorbitant prices. Your goal is to use your resources and grow these crystals and sell them for maximum profit. The quality, rarity and beauty of the crystals is influenced by the resources you use to grow them and the care with which you tended them. Rarer, prettier crystals are worth far more when you sell them.
As the game progressed you would expand your farm and growing capacity and acquire new crystal recipes. These recipes would either be purchased or found randomly. The game would have a 3D isometric view with 3D assets and a cartoony style.
Wordy matchy slidey game
This would be a mobile game with a touch interface.
The player would interact with a grid of tiles representing individual letters with a free space to enable tile movement.
At the start of every level the player is given a goal length of word to create by moving tiles into the free grid space. TIles can be moved in 4 directions and only into an empty space.
The player is given additional points for creating a word longer than that goal length. As soon as a word of adequate length is created, inadvertently or otherwise, the level ends and points are counted. The player must therefore be strategic in their movements to ensure the highest possible word length is achieved.
After the completion of each level set the goal word length is increased by 1.
The diagram below illustrates the allowable alignment for tile matching.-Action adventure
Main character grew up privileged in a wealthy, powerful family. She lives a huge city, scattered and suspended in the sky by ancient magic, isolated from the rest of the world. Her city has been ruled by oligarchy for millennia, with the secrets of the mystic arts passed down only to the children of the ruling families. They use magic to keep a stranglehold on the city and the people are dependant on the ruling class for almost everything. Magic powers the lights, keeps the water flowing and provides law and order. The development of magic-free technology is highly restricted and an underground network of inventors and innovators has been in constant conflict with the government since its inception. Many rebellions have been attempted in the past, all have failed, until now. The now available technology finally allows this uprising to be successful and the elite are deposed and hunted mercilessly. The main character escapes execution and hides whilst the people setup their new world order. There was, however, an unforeseen consequence to the uprising's success, the magic that holds the city aloft has begun to fail. The main character must come out of hiding, armed with a combination of modern technology and arcane powers, and re-establish magic in the city to save it. Will she choose to recreate the old world order and keep the power for herself? Or will she share her power with all and build a new, stronger future. The Player would begin the game in the outskirts of the city and make their way to its centre, where the magical core of the city is located. One the way they must navigate through the violent rebel militia and collect magical artifacts that have now been scattered throughout the city.
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Skee-Ball style game for mobile. You are the leader of a rock pigeon community. All your birds have flown in for the night and it's your job to get them in their correct cliffside caves. Unfortunately your flock are not finishers. As an increasing number of exhausted birds fly in, they begin to tumble out of the sky, relying on you fling them into their home. Points are awarded for getting each bird in the right cave and subtracted for shooting them into the wrong one. The speed and difficulty increases until you let 3 birds fall to their death. The player would fling the pigeons that fall from the top of the screen using an upward swipe. They would aim with this swipe as well. The speed of their swipe would determine how high the pigeons went on the cliff. The Game would have a cartoon art style and use 3D assets on a 2D plane.
This would be a physical card game.
Players have six card slots in front of them which can be filled with a specific type of card, head, Body, Left Arm, Left Leg, Right Arm and Right leg. Cards in the game picture the body parts of many types of animals, with one complete set of each.
The Player's goal is to fill each of their card slots with body parts from one particular animal and build a complete set. They do not need to decide which animal from the beginning and can change their mind as the game develops.
There are 7 animal setsl and 18 effect cards in total. Each player is dealt a hand of six cards at the start of the game and would draw a card at the beginning of their turn. They would then get to decide whether to place a card in front of them, use an effect card or just discard. Note: If the player wants to swap a card in a card slot they must sacrifice their turn to do so. They cannot pick up a card, play an effect or discard. Effect cards would allow players to meddle with both their own cards and other players.
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