Submissions by stefanibulte tagged animal-card-game

This would be a physical card game.

Players have six card slots in front of them which can be filled with a specific type of card, head, Body, Left Arm, Left Leg, Right Arm and Right leg. Cards in the game picture the body parts of many types of animals, with one complete set of each.

The Player's goal is to fill each of their card slots with body parts from one particular animal and build a complete set. They do not need to decide which animal from the beginning and can change their mind as the game develops.

There are 7 animal setsl and 18 effect cards in total. Each player is dealt a hand of six cards at the start of the game and would draw a card at the beginning of their turn. They would then get to decide whether to place a card in front of them, use an effect card or just discard. Note: If the player wants to swap a card in a card slot they must sacrifice their turn to do so. They cannot pick up a card, play an effect or discard. Effect cards would allow players to meddle with both their own cards and other players.