Submissions by stefanibulte tagged rythym

Fusion of a real time fighting game and a guitar hero style rhythm game.

The player controls the character in the left hand side of the screen via four buttons, each of which correspond with a move (punch, kick, block e.ct.) These moves however need to be charged before they can be used. Which is where the rhythm game comes in. Along the bottom of the screen is a guitar hero-esque interface. Four different streams of notes scroll along the screen and each note crosses the bar at the end in time with the music. The four streams are different colours and each one corresponds with a specific move. The player must press a button corresponding to each note at the correct time in order to charge their moves. The player is not punished for missing the notes, only denied charge. Once a move has been charged it is stored with a counter - able to be used immediately or kept for later. Each move caps at a stored amount of 3. This facilitates strategy and combos. Each level is won when the enemy is defeated.

Platform: PC, Xbox one, PlayStation 4

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