I've been doing WaniKani for close to a month now, and I've Mastered the recognition of 26 radicals.

I'm pleased to say that I can recognize the following kanji/verbs/words, too:

見る - みる - to see

右 - みぎ - right

水 - みず - water

思う - おもう - to think

出る - でる - to exit

出口 - でぐち - EXIT (as in, the exit - you'll see it on signs everywhere in Japan!)

出す - だす - to hand over

入る - はいる - to enter

入れる - いれる - to insert

上る - のぼる - to climb

上がる - あがる - to raise

上げる - あげる - to rise

下がる - さがる - to hang down

下 - した - down

上 - うえ - up

才 - さい - genius

才人 - さいじん - talented person / clever person

And that's just the tip of the iceberg... I'm better at recalling them upon visually seeing them rather than remembering them like that... so that was a bit of a test for me. ^_^; But, so as to not make this post so long... I'll stop here! Now to learn some verb conjugations... time to get back into my textbooks!

More submissions by AnimeCanuck for まいにちの日本語

I felt like giving her a mint green shirt... Then laziness turned to a monochromatic scheme turned to looking up the correct stroke order for the kanji 緑 (みどり).


Each day a step in Japanese.

daily from 2015-02-09 to 2015-12-31