Submissions by Squeka tagged knight

Actually, this was taken from my future pdf game "A Line Knight and A Cave of Mushrooms", which is the sequel of my previous pdfgame "A Line Knight and A Line".

Sorry for the blurry part, because of the compressed image of pdf file and I screenshot it from pdf reader :3.

This is from my game "A Knight and A Line".

I also was learning how to draw knight armor when drawing this.

Finished a pdf game for Ludum Dare 32 theme "An Unconventional Weapon". This is my first time submitted a pdf game to Ludum Dare.

It took a lot of time thinking the concept of the game especially the limitation of pdf game. I took 2 days which caused me had no time for Compo. So, I took the Jam. After struggling for 1 day, the game is finished.

The game is about helping a knight with line weapon who is assigned to defeat the demon by clicking the proper action. To play this game, you need a pdf reader (which computers today has already installed) like adobe reader, foxit reader 7.x, or chrome's built-in pdf reader.

You can download the game here: A Knight and A Line.