Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
This is from my game "A Knight and A Line".
I also was learning how to draw knight armor when drawing this.
Redrawn my old oc, Kuriwi Milkfruit (the previous name was Kiwi Milkfruit) :3. Also, it is derived from my old chibi template, added with more improvements.
The things I tried and learned on previous arts in the previous days, I applied in this art. I am glad it feels better than before :3.
Nom nom.
Made a steak, because I still remembered the other day I ate a meat. This is the simple phase. Will improve it in the future.
Continued the meat I made in previous day :3. I added highlight and more shading. Also, for the last touch, I added background.
That's how far I can do. Not sure what should I add next. Probably some day if my art skill were more developed drastically, I probably will do more improvement with this art :3.
Continuing the meat I made yesterday. So, I added shading and bolder line into the meat. For the bolder line, instead of changing the the weight of the line, I made another outline which similar with the meat's outline then fill the gap with color.
Usually, I have finished in this step. However, I want to go further than this. So, I will add something more from tomorrow :3.
Nom nom nom :3.
I just ate a meat today so I started drawing a meat. However, I will make it slowly :3. I will focus on outline and base color first :3.
Not sure how long I did, but probably around 5 minutes :3. Just made some legs. Also, I drew only few since time almost running out :3.
At first, I tried to draw a more detailed leg, but I couldn't. So, I tried to draw more simplistic legs like the chibis :3. Maybe I will do more with legs because I still had a lot of troubles drawing them :3.
Finished studying on making face expressions for 100 minutes :3. I used the face from the previous drawing I made several days ago.
I tried many expression on her faces especially the eyes and the mouth. From this study, the direction of the line can affect of how the expression will look :3.
I haven't submitted my art yet and time is running out. So, I made a simple text "Hello World!" :3.
Too simple, but that reminds me I need to give attention on my art skill on text too especially I usually made my own text art each time I made a game :3.
Finished studying on hair and eyes shading for 100 minutes including the time for studying the references :3. So, I wanted to try something little new for the shading, especially the shading I did in the past still needs more detail.
So for the sample, I used the previous drawing of Tempa Soybean I did before for the study. I also did with 9 samples. For the number 9, I left it unshaded so I can use it for comparison with others. After that, I tried variety of hair and eyes shading I learned from the references I studied.
So, after the study, I feel I like the number 8 best. Also, for number 5 and 7 for the eyes, I think it is interesting for me to use it in certain cases :3.
Finally studied hand poses for 100 minutes :3. It should be done after the day I posted my OC's new outfit. However, I realized I was still very tired after doing my newest pdf game "A Line Knight and A Cave of Mushrooms", especially I did a lot of arts in that game. I am glad that tiredness is slowly over :3.
So, I have tried to study hand poses which I still have problems until today, even I managed to draw some for my games. So, in this study, I tried to find a convenient way to draw hand. I tried a way from number 1 to 5, but I didn't find it convenient to me. So, from number 6 to 9, I tried to draw the structure based on the segments of the hand. I find it more convenient but I still did some mistakes. Also, I made the structure based on the hand poses photo I found in the google. First I find the photo as reference, then I drew the structure I learned from looking the photo hand. After that, without looking at the photo, I tried to draw hand again.
I am planning to do more hand poses study in the future, especially my target is to draw the hand without photo reference :3.
Made a battle uniform (right) for my OC, Tempa Soybean.
Also, I am planning to do experiment, inspired from my boyfriend which did pixel art experiments several days ago. Too bad he is busy with college stuffs now.
Actually, this was taken from my future pdf game "A Line Knight and A Cave of Mushrooms", which is the sequel of my previous pdfgame "A Line Knight and A Line".
Sorry for the blurry part, because of the compressed image of pdf file and I screenshot it from pdf reader :3.
A fanart of the pregnant woman/ghost from Lakeview Cabin (You can play the game here:
I remember her a lot because I kept thinking on how to defeat her ghost and her "2nd" especially I played half way that time. Finally defeated her ghost and her "2nd", while enjoying the puzzle element.
My new oc witch "Sihiru Neither" for my next game, "Sihiru & The Spirit of Book".
She wears half glasses because her right eye is myopia while her other eye is fine, inspired from my boyfriend who is a bit half myopia in one of his other eye and a bit half hyperopia in his other eye.
Experimenting on posing. I am still not good at posing character.
So, this time, I am more focused on posing, and experimenting on using and analyzing techniques which suits me better to pose.
Redraw of my character, Jinda Modula, my character from my pdf game, Dr. Modula's Cure.
This is the colored and shaded.
Redraw of my character, Jinda Modula, my character from my pdf game, Dr. Modula's Cure.
Next update will be colored and fixed some errors.
joined 3,657 days ago
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