Submissions by senakim tagged share


2-D game. Controlling a ball, the only key you need for this game are, jump, forward, and backwards. A ball will be controlled by the player and player will be able to press jump key. The screen travels forward which is to the right direction.


Goal of this game is to avoid obstacles and reach to the end of stage to advance to the next level. If players want they will be able to share their game play video with other people. This game is more about creating sound.

Mindset -

This is just playing a simple jumping game. The game pace will be fast and the learning curve will be adapted from level one and as it advances. players will feel comfortable but challenging as the level is not too easy nor hard. The special thing about this game is that every tile that the ball bounces create different sound. It will be creating beautiful beat to the music that is played in the game. At the end of the game replay will be provided so players can hear how they played.

The important part of this game is the music, sound. Pentatonic sound which is fast paced but interestingly created by players unknowingly, will actually make players come back to create better beat sound to the music that is played on the level.

It looks like it is just an obstacle avoiding game. But the objective of the game is depending on the players that are playing this game. I am sure players will come back to make better music to the level.

At the end of the game, your play screen can be submitted, if you want to, to compare with other people who plays the game .

●The game is more about music, sound, and beat.

●As the ball lands, it will play different sound on different colored tile.