Submissions by scottlay-yee tagged noiris


This game is 2D as it is played on a map!

Being a veteran of a drug smuggling group on the far east side of town that couriers into the CBD, you know your way around the police and the routes they take. You co-ordinate every delivery and every gang trusts you to deliver the "goods" on time and safely. So it was a well-deserved promotion when you were asked to organize all deliveries, which you pretty much already did. The way you play the game is to use your maps and your knowledge of roads and police routes to guide the couriers. YOU CONTROL the time and day at which these deliveries are done, YOU CONTROL the routes these deliveries take, YOU CONTROL a lot of things! A lot of the information you have gathered over the decades will be given to you as well as reports from other members about shifts and changes in police routes. When you have decided all the routes you get too see them actually being done on the map and see the police doing their routes as well. The more trucks you get to the end the more money you will get and the more your reputation goes up. More reputation you have the more offers you get from bigger people and bigger paycheck


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