Submissions by scottlay-yee tagged game

Game is developed for current gen consoles

A major hurricane has struck your town and now you have to retreat to a small enclosed area at underneath your house until you wait for rescue! The bunker is very cramp and people can get in each others way. You play as the father/mother of the family and you have to manage to survive 30 days in this bunker while managing food supplies and keeping relationships together! If the sanity of the one of your family members drop, this may negatively impact on everyone else so it is imperative to keep on raising spirits.

Some events may occur such as a little bit of flooding from the entrance door or maybe someone took a little extra rations for themselves and no one owns up for it. This is where you play a roll model and sort this out without getting people hating each other by talking to everyone and choose the right answers and questions.

An idea for an important event could be that a person knocks on the shelter door and you must decide to bring them in or leave them out. Depending on how well your family is, you may simultaneously agree on one action or your family may disagree. This will be a major turning point in where you will end up in respect levels with your family!

game is developed for the mobile device

As you might imagine, this game is a stealth game set in late 15th century Japan where the age of war and samurais were still prominent. You play as the silent assassin that works for the freedom of the people who have been captured by army camps and used for ransom to bring commanders in exchange. You are a very neutral in terms of views but throughout the game you are given choices in how you want to save these captives. You will sway one side rather than another, in terms of views and will start to take more missions from one of the sides. You slowly start to realise that both of these sides are as bad as each other and that you need to stop conflict altogether.

Mechanics work very similar to Assassin's creed 2 where you need to infiltrate these prisons to help people escape and even kill some people. The game usually takes place at night where you are concealed by darkness and are unable to be undetected. You also have worked well with your horse and you can actually control what it's doing and can use the horse as a distraction and even use it to kill other guards that might have seen you. The main focus strategy of this game is more towards diverting attention to another area as guards will always check every position.

This game is developed for mobile devices.

Business is tough for bars in the apocalyptic era. Getting people to come to your bar while knowing they aren't going to steal from you is quite annoying. Well you have to build up your reputation as a bar suited for everybody and a no violence zone for people that want to rest. Who knows, you might be able to extend your estate by buying resources from some patrons to build more things that might help you make the place look a little than just a shack. Another goal you have is to make a small village to rebuild the communities Earth once had before the apocalypse.


The game is played from an isometric view where you can see into your bar and see where the people come into it. People will request entry with a picture and you can choose to let them or deny them. Once build up enough money you can hire somebody to do it for you, but you will have to pay them hourly. The cheaper ones are a little unreliable and might let some thugs in so be careful with who you trust. Once you get more reputation as well, you can start extending your bar into other things, such as bedrooms and even apartments! Try make your place as anti violence as possible

This game is developed for current generation consoles.

An interactive movie where the lead singer to the punk band Abnormal, discovers that the lyrics to the songs she rights and sings change the events of the next 12 hours. Being a rebellious teen she starts to abuse these "anomalies" and sings for the benefit of herself. It's not long until her band mates start to notice and start to get a little agitated at how up about herself about the matter. They start to spread rumors about her and they soon disband shortly after the leaks. The rumors start to catch up with her and she starts to get chased down by paparazzi and by some "other" people. The rest of the game is up to you.

When writing the songs you sing you can choose the lyrics or "events" that happen. The things that happen to you during the day will affect your decisions on what choice of words you can pick. Say if she was being harassed by the media or being stalked by a random dude, you character cant stop thinking about it and will have to write it down. The events that might happen may also have an impact on the things that she writes about as well. Like if she shes a homeless person on the streets or if she knows a friend that is in some financial debt. The things you can do will result the type of person you end up being after this.

Line work first then colouring. It takes a while.... im happy with the result on the face but the rest of if needs a little more work/practice.

This game is developed for the mobile device.

This game can be played against an computer or another player across the internet or wifi. The idea of the game is to pot bricks out of a wall and shoot your opponent on the other side! If you pop a brick out you can put it back in that same place. You will be able to see where your opponent takes out his brick as well you can quickly shoot him!. If you take out the same brick, the brick cannot be placed back in the same place. You can also shoot bricks out of the wall but that will cost you 3 bullets out of the 6 you start off with. Reloading takes a little while so if they open up a brick your standing behind, you are vulnerable for shooting!

Game is developed for current generation consoles

A first person horror game allows you to explore your own home and the outside of it. Sounds interesting right? But where's the horror aspect to his game? Like games such as silent hill, amnesia and most horror games, the visibility will leave you feeling a little uneasy. To extend on this idea of visibility, you can add the fact of things appearing out of no where. The player can map out the area but things in the are will never be the same when looking back as the fog will act as a wall that randomly deletes and randomly generates things. Random objects that appear will spook the player a couple of times so you will have to have things like doors disappearing as this can be discerning!

This game is developed for the mobile devices

Every time your sick you look at the outside world and pretend an imaginary place outside of your window in your backyard. You fog up the window with your breath and you start to draw pictures on the window. When the fog dissipates, the drawing on the window actually appears in "real life" in your backyard.

The aim of the game is that you build your little pretend village with all your fog drawings! The idea is that you can trade with other neighboring villages and you can also fight with them for more resources! The resources are basically blueprints for more ideas for creating bigger and cooler buildings for your backyard village. There is a leader board where players can compare who has the most buildings and who has won the most fights!

one of the lowest points in uncanny valley...........

Game is developed for current generations of console

This game is a graphic adventure game.

Every day you take the same train to school and you always see the same people in the same seats all the time. You have almost got a mind map of where everyone sits in the train and of course you had your own seat. But it's no wonder you know where all these people sit because you have been on this train for about 4 years heading to and from your high school. It's now 5 days before you have to move cities and as if it was a thought of frustration/desperation, you started to feel uneasy about how you could almost remember everyone's faces but you never knew their name or the stories they would tell. When you start to know these people you might even start to fear them or even become friends.

You only have three days to talk to everyone or no one, either way the game will end after 5 days have passed. Since you live so far out it takes you approximately one and a half hours to get to the city where your school is. You have that long to talk to as many people you can and relive/interact with some of those memories they may talk about! Depending on what you say to them they can end up as a friend or a person you fear. Right after your talk to them you will start imagining the space where they sit as a part of their personality i.e. the area will have parts of their personality decorated around the seat(s).

At the end of the game, depending on who you talk to, you will end up with different connections and relationships that will affect the epilogue cut scene at the end of the game.

Ill finish this painting later.... or not

This game is developed for current generation consoles.

This is a story driven RPG game based in a classic fantasy game. This game is in the style as Valkyrie Profile but some tweaks to its combat system. The game makes you have “group turn base combat" where you use your skills in real time but you don't actually attack the enemy at the same time it's attacking you. Also the movements are still in real time. This requires you to actually time your attacks on a huge boss without actually getting in the way of your other characters attacks that you can control.

In terms of item uses and controls, they will be accessed through the pause menus so you can do so safely when planning an assault. The pause menu will be essential to the game as you can place markers for each member of your party to attack or move to so when you Un-pause you can watch your strategies and tactics come to life

5th time on drawing this picture. meh

This game is developed for the PC!

A wall breaking RTS game that will blow your mind.

Land is scarce throughout the main continent as population bursts made the land more expensive to live on and people started to divide themselves and the land with them. But as commodities started to dwindle, the land with the least fertile soils and resources could not sustain them any longer and started to sneak into the other towns where resources were abundant. The owners of these lands started to notice and were able to afford walls to block these people off and guards to protect them. These weren't just any ordinary walls, these walls were about 20 stories high and foundations that were as thick as 1000-year-old red wood trees. But big walls will always have a chink and that's where you are able to penetrate the defenses, from the inside out. This game is a 1v1 RTS game where the battle is set on a giant wall standing structure. You send groups of units to attack the commanders of these armies who are on the top and bottom of the wall (one that co-ordinates the attacks on the wall and one that co-ordinates the defense of the wall.

Some major questions could be that there is no way to balance these sides as the one that has access to higher ground has the advantage. But here is the solution; of course people who defend up high have gravity as an advantage and are able to topple structures very easily such as scaffolding. But these attackers come prepared with trebuchets and cannons to break open the wall. Defending on the wall seems to be a little harder than is seems when you have massive destructive siege engines attacking you.

Inspiration for this idea comes from scenes such the attack on Helms Deep and Ministereth in Lord of the Rings as these scenes focused on the actual war based combat on fortress walls.

This game is developed for current gen consoles.

3D 3rd person puzzle game

You play as a maintenance worker in a zero gravity chamber where you need to open gates and turn off that light at the end of the camber to purify the air ducts. The air ducts give purified oxygen to the whole ship and it seems like there is some problems with the ventilation. The light at the end of these ducts indicate where the problem lies, but this is not your ordinary chamber though. They have protective measures when it comes with ducts. You don't want everybody floating around in the ventilation chambers. The light is prominent throughout the whole entire chamber as these walls are see-through but you can see the outline from looking at the walls from the outside. Some walls that block your pathway also prevent you from seeing light through them at will look totally blacked out and some will have little gaps in them so that you can slip through them.

Once you have turned the light off you can proceed to the next chamber to fix the next troubled area.

This game is developed for mobile devices

You play a treasure hunting diver that is trying to find artefacts in the Caribbean. Your job is to swim around the deep reaches of the ocean and find wreckages of boats and try and salvage them before others can. This is a tough business to be in and because of that, people have setup traps in boats that they have already pillaged to get rid of the competition. To set up these traps you have to leave a battery in the ships core to get the power running to the traps. The batteries are extremely expensive as they have to work when fully submerged underwater, so even if you know the ship has been trapped you can still make it to the end of the ship to receive a decent reward and sell off the battery for a bit of profit. A repercussion for entering a ship is that if you get caught by a trap you will have to leave something behind to get out and once you enter you cannot leave.

Not only can you booby-trap the ship but you can also reset the ship in terms of design by using underwater welding materials to knock down walls and rebuild walls.

To search for ships you can use in game money acquired from collecting treasures. You can use the GPS systems to drop you into zones where wreckages lie.

This game is developed for mobile devices.

You play as a space medic on a ship that suddenly gets raided by brain controlling aliens and you need to get out of there as soon as possible before they reach you. There are available escapes on the other side of the ship. Another problem has just occurred to you, the ventilation in the ship is broken and is now filling up the ship with dark smog that makes it impossible for you to see through. Tapping and holding the screen will allow you to move through the ship but your metal boots create too much noise and attract the aliens to you. You make your way from the top of the screen to the bottom of the screen. Eyes will appear behind you as make your way through each section of the ship. If they start to turn green stop moving and they will go away, but if you keep walking and go red, tap the screen as fast as you can as the aliens will jump out and start to chase you. If you're close to the end of the map you might be able to get away.

This game is developed for mobile devices.

The game begins with a small little model/mannequin looking from the inside out of a huge glass ball. Your job is to help the small little mannequin to escape it's little ball but the thing is you can only rotate the ball that it is in. The way you can guide it out is but rolling the ball over so the mannequin can walk over the red shaded panel. This will activate the panels to become permeable and will generate the next challenge so the mannequin can progress to the outer layer. Since the game is level based and you go bigger in layers, the bigger the ball will get and the further you will need to travel.

Some levels will require you to consider routes in a different way. Some obstacles may may be troublesome as gaping holes will prevent you from progressing. This is where the mannequin can actually pickup items left on the ground and put them down to get over obstacles. It can also climb blocks to get to higher platforms but it can not jump.

This game is developed for mobile devices.

This game is a reaction based point scoring game. The more time you stay on black sides of the polygon the more points you will earn. The shape will automatically turn every so often so you will have to flip the shape so your avatar is standing on the black sides.

In later stages the shapes will increase in sides and the flipping of the shapes will become more frequent. If you find that there are random coloured claw marks on the side of the shape you are on, you should move off it as soon as possible as a monster will jump out of it at anytime. You can earn double points if you stay on it but it's a risk reward situation.

Game is developed for the current generation consoles.

The holding facility to the safest and largest city of the whole continent started to dwindle down in numbers. The warehouse filled with 10,000 bunkbeds only housed 20 people. The 'Façade initiative' was a success and has saved most or even all of those people who survived the plague. Among the last of those people there is an infected who doesn't show signs of having the infection.

Gameplay: This is an stealth adventure game where you play as the infected citizen that enters a enclosed city filled with hundreds of millions of people. You are housed in one of the outer most parts of the city where it is poverty stricken. The infection you carry does not harm you but can affect others through poisoning the air. You slowly move up in your status by taking out important people through stealth to take over this massive metropolis.You start your own little group that helps you on your way to top by planning assassinations through plaguing the air ducts and clearing people.

This game is for mobile devices

You play as a business man who works for the usual accounting firm. It's really late and you need to take a bus home but the problem is that you sleep on the bus and you usually miss your stop. You job is to get all your sleep done but make sure you don't overdo your stay. There are 2 things you have to manage in this game; your sleep meter and the distance from you to the bus stop. If you close your eyes your sleep meter goes down but you won't be able to tell if you're close to your bus stop. If you try to stay awake for too long you will be forced to sleep the whole meter off, you will be lucky if you wake before your bus stop. Just like normal bus rides, you never know the exact time when the bus arrives so the distance from your house can vary. Sometimes the traffic lights you hit are all red and maybe there might be an accident that may slow down your trip so always keep an eye out for these things. This game is level based so every level will be different. Sometimes you might have to travel be train.

Story driven, First person game developed for computer

You can notice that someone is looking at you if you catch them due to the smaller iris and large sclera (white bits of your eye). But sometimes you can feel someone staring at you even though you can't directly see them. Is this the 6th sense that everyone thinks about or is it just another myth conjured by society. You play as a innocent child that hasn't had any views, beliefs or fibs told to them (pretty much concealed in a room for the starting years of your life) for the ultimate decision, can you tell if your being stared at without looking? You are put through basic motor tests and endurance. But the most interesting are the puzzle solving that tests your cognitive abilities. When you are completing these test you can hear the scientists talk about these tests and how these will help them in their "world averaging" and sometimes you will overhear talking about controversy over the test from the newer staff members. This game teaches you about the outer world discussion on controversial tests that happen in secret without anyone knowing where you hear about people being put under immense pressures and even some dis proven stories about some important pieces of our history. In the end you really don't answer the question but the game teaches you that people overhear information unintentionally and choose to believe it because it's coming from an outside source and they know nothing about the topic.


First person story game for Consoles and PC

There is this one person you always walk pass on the way home that catches your eye. She always seems to look back but you always make it seem you aren't staring.

The introduction levels for this game is that you just walk forward and when you spot her you slow down time and use your cursor to click on her. But one day on the way home you notice that she doesn't show for some odd reason. You shrug it off thinking that it is only a one off thing. A few days roll by and she still hasn't showed up, but you never think too much about it as it is none of your concern. This is where the game starts to progress through the story oriented parts to it as she starts to pop up in random places. You just start off in random areas (such as a supermarket) looking around at things when you catch a glimpse of her standing at the end of the isle. You try to move your cursor toward her but she moves away too quickly for you to click her. Your character sprints to the end of the isle and it seems as she has vanished. After this happens it seems that she pops up and the more integral moments of your life. Also every time you hear about death being talked about or even thought about.

The whole game is played with natural noises always playing with two violins playing in the background to give it a real but almost surreal feel to it.


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This game is 2D as it is played on a map!

Being a veteran of a drug smuggling group on the far east side of town that couriers into the CBD, you know your way around the police and the routes they take. You co-ordinate every delivery and every gang trusts you to deliver the "goods" on time and safely. So it was a well-deserved promotion when you were asked to organize all deliveries, which you pretty much already did. The way you play the game is to use your maps and your knowledge of roads and police routes to guide the couriers. YOU CONTROL the time and day at which these deliveries are done, YOU CONTROL the routes these deliveries take, YOU CONTROL a lot of things! A lot of the information you have gathered over the decades will be given to you as well as reports from other members about shifts and changes in police routes. When you have decided all the routes you get too see them actually being done on the map and see the police doing their routes as well. The more trucks you get to the end the more money you will get and the more your reputation goes up. More reputation you have the more offers you get from bigger people and bigger paycheck


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This game is a flash PC game.

This is a narrated game where you go through "seemingly" difficult mini puzzle games but are not actually that hard. The narrator is against you at all times and is telling you that you will fail as the game is impossible, but the fact that he said that it's impossible will push the player to play on and prove the narrator wrong. The puzzles will seem to be impossible but there will always another way around the problem such as a small skip button in the corner of the screen. Game is similar to impossible game

This is a 3rd person, stealth game.

You play as a drawing of a person in the background of a painting. Suddenly you are able to spring to life and move around the whole painting while everyone else is stuck in place. Being part of the background sucks and you want to be part of the foreground and maybe the main focus of a painting. You decide to leave your painting but if the security cameras catch you, you instantly disappear.

This is only half of the game as the second part is positioning yourself to get the best possible response from the public in the morning. There will be 10 different positions you can be in that will be better for or against the composition. The more people that look at the picture, the more points you will get. At the end of the viewing day you will get a "critique", from one of the gallery spectators, saying what you could improve on in terms of composition.

A puzzle game for any platform

Sleep walking is more common than you think in human society and it is also dangerous to as you could end up somewhere you don't belong. In this game you guide a sleepwalker from walking off to a dangerous place and leading him/her to the safe area by using different toned frequencies. Each tone will represent a direction the sleepwalker will go in. Unfortunately he/she does not stop walking so you must react fast to dangers that lie ahead. The tones that you play to change the directions will also make a song at the end of the level that will play to wake the person up. If you wake the person up to early he/she will certainly freak out and may do something even more dangerous. The more on time with your directions you are the better the song will sound and the more points you will earn

This game is a Platformer puzzle game.

This game has one theme behind each level/section of this game where you will acquire insight (new found abilities) to progress through these puzzles. The abilities in the game will need to be used to take down the guardian that protects the continent. There is barely any backstory to this game as you just start off in a field that seems endless until the background starts to change and transitions into different sceneries. Backgrounds will start of very dark to the point where the fireflies that fly around in the level is your only light and it will gradually get lighter and lighter when you progress through the level to the end. It will have a heavy use of pixel art with shading and light halos around the guardians of the level.

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This is a 3d action, escape game on the consoles.

In the deep depths of the underworld, there is one day every decade where certain beasts are chosen and are released from the main towers jail. You play as a boy of this underworld that discovers these beasts congregating and planning an attack on the main city center. But you were caught eavesdropping and now they are after you. Now you have to make your way back without them catching you.

Every new area you enter a different beast chases you and the only way you can tell where it is, is a skulls cloud that tracks his position and that hovers above him. You do have access to a map to make your way through the underworlds plains.

Most of the colours in this game will be saturated and dull and the gameplay will resemble than of Shadow of the Colossus.

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