Submissions by santixcazorla tagged action

Genre: 3rd person shooter, Survival, Action
Platform: PC
Target Audience: mature, for those who like action/survival games with the feeling of being in an apocalyptic world.

The heat world is a shooter/survival game that confronts you in a world that has been affected by radiation that was caused by climate change. In the game you will control Steve in a quest to make it out alive in an overheated world trying to survive the most days you can and finding a solution for the heat that is destroying the entire world.

The camera of the game is in third person and the HUD has an HP bar, a heat control, a food and a water meter, a map, a mission log and your ammo counter.
You will control Steve with:
W, A, S, D
Right click to aim
Left click to attack or fire the gun
SHIFT to run
CTRL to crouch
Space to jump
F to grab an object
E to reload
Num1-9 to select current item

In the game you will start with your backpack filled with a pistol, a full charge of ammo, an axe, a heat-resistant umbrella and some food and water. Ammo is scarce so you have to be carefull with your rounds.

You will collect and craft objects to help you survive. Almost everything in the game is collectable so make sure to explore different objects to craft different things and expand your craft combination.

You will die if your HP bar gets to 0. If your water or food meter drop to 0 your HP bar will empty and you will die of starvation. Also if your heat meter gets overheated you will die so you have to always be careful with your heat meter.
Your umbrella will protect you from UV rays but it will not last forever. You can later upgrade with heat resistant clothes too.


Picture of the game:

Genre: AR, Strategy, Action, Multiplayer
Platform: IOs and Android (better with Augmented reality)
Target Audience: for those who love strategy based games with some guns on it. ¡And it has AR!

Brief History: It's the year 2090. The world has been monopolized completely and the people has been put on two pronounced classes. Obviously there’s the high one that is controlling the environment, the politics and the economics, and there's the low class, called .stalkers. Stalkers are people that need to do high reward task to survive in the new world.

Gameplay: Mercenary-like people, Stalkers will make use of the free technology that the government has provided to attack other camps of Stalkers. If you attack a camp and succeed you and your group will have that camp and will have much more potential that will give you more recognition and more money for your group.

As a stalker you will have a hacking system, a plasma gun and some blueprints. The hacking device is your primary weapon and your plasma gun is your defensive one.
How you ask? Well, the main point of the game is to attack camps with hacking tools and spread your group. So your plasma gun will help you when you're attacking camps to defend yourself of the enemy Stalkers while your other Stalker allies hack the enemy camp at the same time.

To hack, attack and plant blueprints of new basements you will use your cellphone as if it was in real life. To shoot and hack you will aim at the enemies and press the screen and to plant basement blueprints you will use your potential gained on fights to expand your camps. You will need the resources that the camp demands to build them (resources are scattered on the world map so you better start expanding your camps).

The game is played with your cellphone and its better played with AR so high end smartphones are recommended. The game is multiplayer based so is better played with friends and allies but you can play alone too.



Género: Defensa, RPG, Acción, 2D.
Plataforma: PC, iOS y Android.
Audiencia: 14 años en adelante, para aquellos que les gustan los juegos de defender el castillo al estilo RPG, y lo más importante... ¡STICKS!

Stick Defense es un juego de defensa donde trataras de defender tu fortaleza de oleadas de sticks sangrientos con la ayuda de tu gran arco de la torre del castillo.

Al principio del juego se verá una escena donde veremos a unos sticks con lanzas y arcos tratando de destruir nuestro castillo logrando matar casi a todos los sticks que vivían en él. En eso podemos ver cuando una flecha es disparada a nuestro padre, el legendario arquero stickman de la torre y el, delirando, nos pide que por favor defendamos su hogar con todas nuestras fuerzas, por lo que nuestro stick agarra el arco y empieza a disparar a todos los sticks que se acerquen al castillo, aun así le cueste su vida.

Gameplay: para jugar utilizaremos nuestro arco para derrotar a los sticks. El arco se utilizara apretando y jalando el cursor (PC) o utilizando los dedos (iOS, Android). Las flechas pueden lanzarse a cualquier lugar de la pantalla y dependerá de la altura y la fuerza que le des al arco al jalarlo.

El concepto es simple, en la pantalla tendremos nuestra torre de arquero a la izquierda, un terreno en el medio (que cambiara según el paisaje del nivel) y la torre de sticks a la derecha, los cuales caminaran desde la torre hasta nuestro castillo para destruirlo.
También tendremos una barra de vida, un puntaje con él %completado del nivel y de oro. Además tendremos en la parte de abajo unas casillas vacías que al comprar tropas podremos utilizar para ayudarnos.

Para terminar el nivel tendremos que acabar con todos los sticks que tenga el nivel, hasta que el puntaje del nivel llegue a 100%. Si los sticks llegan a nuestro castillo perdemos vida (tiene 100) y si llega a 0 perderemos el nivel.

Cuando terminemos el nivel podremos mejorar con oro la vida del castillo y comprar tipos de flechas especiales. Algunas son:
-Penetrante: mata a dos sticks a la vez (mejorable) 500g.
-Fuego: hará daño de fuego y dejara una llama de fuego donde toque 1000g.
-Hielo: congelara a todos los sticks en un área 2000g.
-Explosiva: bomba que explotara en contacto y hará daño en área 5000g.
-Rayo: lanza una nube en el aire que lanzara rayos a los enemigos 10,000g.

También podremos comprar tropas de sticks que nos ayudaran a derrotar a los sticks enemigos como:
-Soldado 500g.
-Arquero 500g.
-Caballero: tiene más vida y caballo 2000g.
-Clérigo: cura a las tropas 4000g.
-Catapulta 10,000g.

Imagen de referencia:

Música épica: