Submissions by PoppydeRaad tagged spirit-guide

Assume the role of the Spirit Guide, the one who must find and ferry the living to the land of the dead. Every day more people die and require to be shown passage to the other side so they can pass peacefully, and it is your job to find them and deliver them safely. However the underworld can be a dark and treacherous place and with only your lantern to light the way it can be easy to get lost.

The game-play consists of moving across tiles, collecting lost souls, and avoiding enemies while making sure that you don't run out of lantern fuel. Each level is a puzzle, collect as many lost souls as you can and get to the exit before your lantern goes out. Every tile you move depletes an amount of fuel, this acts as a move counter and forces the player to think efficiently about their decisions.

Similar to Don't starve, the game would have a Tim Burton art style on the assets and character to enhance the creepy feeling of being in the underworld.

The image I took inspiration from:

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