Submissions by PoppydeRaad tagged city

Destroy cities playing as Mittens, a cat with a vengeance. Disgusted at the lack of greenery in the urban environment he resides in Mittens vows to destroy every bit of the concrete jungle.

The game play will consist of destroying as much of a city as you can under a time limit, destroying city buildings will gain you points while destroying wildlife like parks or gardens will decrease points. As you are destroying the city you will be attacked by random civilians with guns, the army, and possibly an army of small dogs. Collect bonus items like cat food, yarn balls, and cat treats for extra goodies such as: 2x score, health, and power ups. The round ends once the time limit is up or the city is destroyed, and then you move onto the next city, each battleground will be a famous city (Paris, London, Chicago) to add more interest to the player.

While playing you will be able to collect cat nip balls, once you collect enough cat nip bits then the ultimate form of Mittens is awakened. The little domestic kitty will turn into a big cat monster, unlocking rampage mode where you do more damage and earn more points.

There will also be skins to unlock. They will be unlocked after a total amount of damage is dealt, which will be counted on a stats page. This allows players who aren't good at doing a ton of damage each round to stack up points and unlock higher tier skins by grinding. Skin ideas could be stuff such as: tabby, lion, tiger, Mario hat and much more!

Image I took inspiration from: