Submissions by onezero tagged improv

Very busy week, including prep for a Max/MSP show with mic feedback, so this week's submission is one of the test runs through the Max/MSP patch, with guitar. Kinda ambling and chaotic.

.aiff file captured to the drive, then brought into Ableton for level correcting, a touch of convolution reverb, and Full-Chain Master. And there we have it.

Title from the discovery of liquid mercury under this temple in Teotihuacan

28 Temple of the Feathered Serpent.mp315.5mb

An extremely busy week of work, performance preparation, and performance, with ups and downs. Coming off a very satisfying snwv set with my new Max/MSP patch at Oscillate: Pittsburgh 2017, here's a quick improvisation with just a sine wave oscillator into the patch. I added a bit of reverb and full-chain master in Live, and cut out a longer part of the noisy waterfall section, but otherwise it's the result of this improv. Features of the patch: pitch-shifting, delay, delay regeneration, and sample-rate and bit-depth reduction, all of them randomized and continually updating. And the time between updates is itself randomized, for extra confusion. Title comes from previewing the piece for the kids, and talking about it after they listened.

11 MSP Birds.mp36.3mb