Submissions by Minh.Ngu7004 tagged imagination

[ Idea 18 - 05/08/2016]
Minh Nguyen | Minh.ngu7004

Source: Justin Main - Photoshop Artist from Toronto

Question is a digital collectible card game for the mobile market which player's trade question cards to other players and submit their answers anonymously to the individual who gave them the question. The game will then conjugate a series of similarly answers with highest percentage of similarity being the top of the "scoreboard" shown on the back of the card.

Question is a game which strives to create curiosity within players and stretching their imagination by providing unique content through the medium of interesting questions as a way of mental exercising the player.

How to play:
1) The player chooses one of the three cards only told of its question's genre/subject
2) Upon choosing one of these cards, the player answers said card within 100 - 150 words.
3) Individual who gave the card will read the answer and rate the answer on the players maturity, grammar.
4) The player who answered the said card can now give
5) Rinse and repeat

There will be a tier system in terms of the rarity of each card, however these rarer cards have harder questions to answer alongside them.
Black: Highest (Having the black lotus themed border and unique animation to only Black cards* see image reference for conceptual)
Copper: Lowest

The players objective is to collect these cards but along the way contemplate of various themes, genres and aspects of our society as well.Should a player have a preference of selecting a specific genre of cards then within their card collection they will receive interesting facts or answers to that specific genre. E.g: The Player likes cats, there will be short summaries of cat related facts. "Did you know there is a documentary of Japan's Cat island"