Submissions by miguel.rivas tagged tactical

Genre: real-time strategy, tactical, survival

Platform: personal computers (PC). because much more people have a pc than a console, also the playability will be better with mouse and keyboard

Target Audience: adults with free time, the requires hours of free time

Game Description:

In the game you will have the option to choose between ancient civilizations.
You can see various types of civilizations which depending on your choice will favor certain strategies.

A standard game is generally based on defeating all enemy units whether they are villagers or war units using different war strategies and tactics.

For this you must support yourself in different resources such as:

Wood: Obtained by cutting trees and used when constructing buildings and ships.

Food: Can be collected from the bushes, hunting animals, fishing or harvesting farms

Population: houses built.

image credits

The music:

Género: simulador, guerra, táctico

Plataforma: PC juego mas en pc que en cualquier plataforma, me parece que es mas probable que las personas tengan una pc que consola.

Demográfica: en juego abrasa a todos los jugadores de todas las edades, pero en un publico especifico a los que busquen darle horas a juegos de estrategia.

Descripción del juego: es juego de estrategia donde tu buscas llevar al mundo a un punto donde todos puedan ser amigos no existan las fronteras, ni los pasaportes pero primero tienes que resolver conflictos que se presentan en el juego.

Concepto general del juego: eres un ser que trascendió a un plano donde las personas no tienen edad ni nacionalidad y su color de piel es ser feliz.
Pero tu abandonas esto para traer paz a la tierra.

Como se juega el juego? el juego te da un mapa donde puedes elegir el país de tu elección y luego tu estarás a cargo como mandatario del país de pendiendo del tipo de gobierno democrático, comunista, dictadura, etc.
tu objetivo es superar los problemas sociales (racismo machismo) económicos (regular la casta básica ) tienes que llevar al país a un "primer mundo" para comenzar a invadir de forma pacifica a otros países como un ejemplo dando les prestamos para luego los endeudas hasta que te apoderes de su economía.
esa solo es una forma.
el juego tiene tiene:
Dinero: mide cuanto ingresos genera el país tendrás que destinar el mismo para educación, medicinas, comida y recursos. Dinero como la unidad mas básica y importante.
comida: para combatir el hambre
recursos: materia prima (para edificar proyectos de viviendas y hospitales
felicidad: esta es mi la mas importante por que si llega a cero tus habitantes hara revoluciones y habrán rebeldes, y si sube a cien los fieles te seguirán sea cual sea tu elección dentro del juego
el juego gira en torno de mantener estas elecciones equilibradas.

eso es todo por ahora es una idea que alimentare de vez en cuando.

El estilo de la música : Here Comes the Sun
(solo el instrumental considero que, por lo menos ami me transfiere la energía que logar con el juego que todos podemos ser amigo sin preocuparnos de donde vengas o de que color eres, cual sea que sea tu profesión y solo preocuparnos de ser felices en un mundo maravilloso que no ha dado todo).

las imagenes son sacadas de google no hay revistas o sitios específicos : algunas (son de wikipedia )

Género: sigilo, disparos, tercera persona, táctico

Plataforma: PC me perece ahora y siempre mas accesible para todos .

Demográfica: un juego de disparo frenético o un juego de sigilo para todo el publico.

Descripción del juego: en el juego entras el la piel de una persona que puede crear un mundo alterno donde todo el entorno es igual con una excepción no hay personas los que lo hace perfecto para el sigilo, pudieras esquivar balas enemigos incluso llevarlos a esta zona.
donde entra la parte de combate?
para los que no les guste el sigilo podrán seguir usando la habilidad pero en periodos determinados deforma que el personaje tenga una manera de jugar distinta que se acople a tu estilo de juego.
esta habilidad demora un tiempo para volver a usarse.

el personaje se podrá modificar totalmente desde el color de pelo, uñas, piel, y ropa.

las armas podrían variar dependiendo el estilo de juego
como un cuchillo, hachas hasta fusiles.

imagen la saque de una revista

y la música es un piano que nos acompaña a lo largo de nuestras misiones

Link de música:

A few words I'd like to add that the role play may sound bloody. But it doesn't take away from the fun. It doesn't mean that inciting hatred is fun.

because that's not all I have a notebook I write in and they presented it to me at night after the neighbor complained about the music of the diabarha band ( uranoid (speedcore) is important that they have in mind because it is a great job that I want to carry out.

Genre: stealth, single player, bloody, tactical, horror, multiplayer,

Platform: PC, because on consoles you have to pay a subscription to play online and that is quite traumatic

Target Audience: It is not a game for the whole family, perhaps for those who want to sit down with a red bull to see how their time slips away. not very specific 18 onwards

Game Description: To give you a little context in the PXP universe, parties are the main business and you are the owner of one of these nightclubs that happens that you are not receiving guests and that leads you to close drowning in debt, concludes that nobody values Music as an artistic dance.

This drives you insanely trying to eliminate people. This is also customizable. I don't know how I will do it, but I will make the game connect to Spotify so you can listen to your playlist. ( XkawaiiX
or may be of type;( Bad Bunny is customizable so you can go to such extremes without affecting the lore of the game.

let's go to the gameplay here all the people may be more crazy than you that you have to do simple kill but since the game is based on complete stealth there is no rush there are no firearms for sure have seen the game called PARTY HARD I will base it on there to give you an idea and innovate or evolve the genre of stealth.
 let's start from there there is no murder until the corpse is found sounds horrible you infiltrate the party as a guest and as a DJ. while they dance adaptive entities type
you kill them and get rid of the body nothing sounds different from party hard here the fun they do not stop dancing you have to move the party but since it is a building where maybe you find three to four people in groups with speed you disappear them (so that does not sound so loud) because if they see you murdering there are fixed point telephones of the mapping that are generated randomly context we kill two and one runs out to alert the police you have to kill you when you arrive there are species of power up that You can compare before entering the room but if you go the hard way it will be a counter-log to see who arrives first, no one would even realize this is where the second player who plays as a DJ comes in has a role inport because otherwise people play well panic and going to the phone sadra a bubble in the form of a request to be connected to spotify you can fulfill the request so that it goes away relagando and give the first player time
As a second player you enter a supporting murderer role where you are guitar hero type and once you reach the point of relagacion you can join the party not necessarily it is your obligation as a second player but it is more organized.

during the campaign where you will unlock passives that explain below
mommy dust - you will blind everyone invited for a moment.
raining blood - disable electronic objects.
snuff: the guests in panic will lose the reason.
feed us: panicked guests will be visible through the walls.
they are achieved through adrenaline this bar fills up only disappeared people
this is only the 1 to 2 player campaign.

this is where perhaps all of the above makes sense but you can play with 6 more people and bots 2 assassins and 4 guests they have to find the assassins before they all die as if the dj is an assassin no.
The DJ does not need to leave his position.
and these are not in total disadvantages only that I thought differently for the multiplayer when filling the panic bar the phones will be visible through the walls
and they will have a map with which the assassins do not count.
  the panic bar fills up through seeing blood or suspicious things
and they will have passives to balance things out a little bit
totalitarian terror: fill the panic bar
Harakiri: Mark another guest to see where he is on the map at all times.
lonely day: you become invisible for a while

what happens is a team liability. (I think that is well explained)

environment where events occur
on a 3D map all characters have first person view
and the non-diegetic interface.
there are garbage cans on some maps there are ovens to hide the corpses and since it is a game you can throw corpses in the toilet.

There is much more but I consider that it is the most important thing I know it is not good but it occurred to me so I like it and that is why I decided to create video games I hope to make this day possible in the future.
music is something with a soul so you are free to listen to what you want without fear of being judged because it has no color or gender or definite shape can be rock with limp bizkit rap rhythm ( / watch? v = ZpUYjpKg9KY & list = PLsMILDNKDKSGWY4qxvSN7mvYVPgSPjaY- & index = 4)
  I hope you like it without encouragement to incite hatred or offense
100% serious work without memes.