Submissions by LouisJohns tagged axe

This game is a side scrolling jumping game where you play as a lumberjack jumping logs to get to the lever that closes the back door to stop the constant rolling of logs out the back of the truck. This game works in levels and the higher you go in the levels the faster the logs roll out of the back and the longer the level is in distance to the start and the end of the level which is the trucks lever. The logs at the start of the game will be your generic average sized logs, simple enough to jump over. In higher levels the logs with increase in size and speed to make it harder for you to jump over them, the controls to jumps is the 'space bar' if you tape the bar quickly you lumberjack will jump a little and is you hole down the space bar he will jump a lot, There is a power up you can collect that appears in the air when it comes to the screen, so you have to jump to get this power up, this power up turns you into the strongest and fastest lumberjack that ever lived, you run through the logs splitting them is two with your axe, as you slow down with the power up on you start to flash to show that the power up is going to turn off, so it gives you time to get ready for the next jump. If you get hit by the logs you restart the level.
