Submissions by lewis_poll tagged chicken-run

In this endless runner, the player plays a man who has mysteriously caught ablaze and continues to run in humorous suffering as he attempts to run fast enough to put the flames out. The player may pick up items such as water to cool off the fire, or may run into more fire which merely strengthens the fire that burns him. The fire slows him down so as he gradually advances through the map, he begins to run slightly faster. If the player does encounter fire, the fire will slow his speed down and advance the chances of him losing the game. There is a meter in the HUD that measures how close the player is to death as he does not die by crashing into rocks or blockers, but when he is engulfed fully by the flames.

The player may pickup rare drops that are painkillers which boost the adrenaline of the player which makes his movement faster and extinguishes a partial amount of the flames, this also means he is immune to any additional fire damage from flames for this effect's duration.