Submissions by LawlerW tagged inventory

An inventory management and slightly puzzling survival game where you are on your way to catch a flight. On the way to your flight, however, is a veritable horde of well-wishers and acquaintances seeing you off, every single one of which will offload some "thoughtful" gift onto your person regardless of how encumbered you are already or whether you may even appreciate the gift or sentiment.

As you take on gift after gift, you must manage your inventory and make decisions on how best to continue your journey (keep the platform boots in your inventory and add weight, or take time to put them on now and risk tripping if you need to run?), all while becoming further and further slowed from the excess of stuff placed on you by others.

You may attempt to steer straight past these well-wishers to avoid becoming further overloaded, but be warned: they will pursue you to attempt to press their gift onto you, and should you repeatedly ignore them they may take it spitefully and attempt to trip you up in some way or another later on. You may attempt to offload some of these gifts without a "helpful" passerby "retrieving" it for you, or airport security telling you you can't put that there, but watch out that you don't dispose of a gift along the path the gifter might travel, or they may see it and decide to turn on you.

Get yourself through the building without losing yourself in the menagerie of excess and the people that come with them. And above all, do not miss your flight!