Submissions by joshuasavage tagged water


Pressure is a fast paced puzzle game in which players struggle to lay pipes on a pre-set map in order to pipe water to a predetermined position, indicated at the start of the game.


Players play on a gridded map and have 10 seconds before water begins to flow, each piece of pipe takes up one square and players are fed random pieces of pipe with the ability to swap one with a saved piece identical to the system found in Tetris. Players being on simple square maps but as they proceed through levels they begin to change shape and have pieces preplaced on them.

Players score extra points by putting water through certain preplaced pieces, using all the pieces they have placed, completing certain patterns on the board or placing on certain squares (similar to scrabble) and for meeting time goals. If the players fail to keep the water in the pipes then they lose the game


Pressure is a simple puzzle game where players compete against the clock. While a form of leader board could be included the game is largely intended to be a simple enjoyable time sink and would likely be marketed to the mobile market. Pressure aims to provide players an enjoyable puzzle situation under a visual time constraint similar to Tetris in nature. To stop the game feeling too unfair in its random piece distribution the swap mechanic helps players to exhibit a degree of control over which piece to use smoothing over this potentially frustrating mechanic. Pressure expects to have players enjoying solving the puzzles but also creates flow by encouraging players to chase high scores with clever plays and use of the provided space


● Tetris-esque puzzle situations

● Enjoyable high score chasing

● Simple fast mobile title

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