Submissions by joshuasavage tagged flight


Soar is a 3D flight racing game. Players choose from a variety of chimeras (monstrous combinations of creatures) and then race through cylindrical slipstreams. Players can customise their Chimeras with mutations changing their stats and abilities. During races players collect air remnants to gain rage which they use to activate their abilities.


Soar is primarily a multiplayer game but also has a story mode in which players seek to ascend to become the new demi-god of the skies. Prior to playing a match players choose their chimera. Each chimera has a unique look and style to them though they can all fly, players can add mutations to them altering their stats and providing them with a variety of abilities.

Each chimera has five stats:

  • Speed: The Chimeras max speed
  • Acceleration: How fast the Chimera can reach its max speed
  • Manoeuvrability: How sharply the Chimera can turn and ascend or descend
  • Monstrosity: The strength of the Chimeras rage abilities
  • Resilience: How long enemy abilities effect a Chimera

Players can customise this to their preferences using the variety of mutations available to them and also gain a variety of abilities from speed boosts to lightning strikes and fire balls.

Once the race begins player's race through the slip streams to try and get to the finish line the fastest, to assist in their endeavours they can go through boost currents, sections of the slipstream which will give them a speed boost and they can also collect air remnants which are placed throughout the slip stream. Players can collect up to five air remnants and use them to cast abilities which vary in cost with the higher cost abilities having greater effects.


Soar is primarily intended to be a multiplayer game with online and local play and so will aim to foster a fair competitive spirit. To keep players interested some abilities will changed based on their position in the race, players who are further behind will get access to more powerful versions of their abilities to implement a degree of comeback and stop losing players feel as if they cannot place well. Soar primarily aims to encourage players to customise their Chimera deeply to best suit their preferences and provide a tailored experience while including the traditional elements of racing games which most players will be familiar with to ease the learning curve


●Unique racing style

●Deep customisation

●Different way of implementing power ups

●Comeback mechanics to keep games interesting for all players

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