Submissions by joshuasavage tagged dayfourtysix


Zambezi is a first person virtual reality title based around the concept of players travelling from the source to the foot of the Zambezi River in ancient times.


Players being at the source of the river in canoes and follow the river in a linear story driven experience as they travel down the river on an expedition, taking a look at the varied culture and threats of the rivers length while using the VR systems to create a deep connection with the games events. Players will need to manage their resources as they travel and puzzles will be presented in a variety of interactions during game play such as conversation or riddles, finding ways to move through a rapid pieces of river or sneak through a pod of angry hippos.


Zambezi is primarily designed to provide deep immersion while allowing players to see a popular destination through an intense fictional storyline.


●Virtual Reality

●Strong Story

●Beautiful Artwork

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