Submissions by joshuasavage tagged dayfourtyfive


Nocturne is a 2D puzzle platformer based on the composition of music. Players must help a group of Nocturnals (creatures of the forest that sleep during the day in darkness) traverse the Twisted Divide. A wicked and scintillating forest that twist in upon itself.


The Nocturnal will walk forward indefinitely, they are blind and navigate purely by sound. Normally this works to their advantage but the Twisted Divide is a place much more hostile place filled with dissonant echoes and horrifying symphonies. Players take on the role of the Melody, the Nocturnals mysterious god who is able to lead them through the Twisted Divide. The Melody does this by composing music to guide the Nocturnals. But the compositions don't just guide the Nocturnal, they alter the landscape of the Twisted Divide. Players compositions are converted into imagery similar to visualizers common in modern media players, become the wind or the water of an area and shaping the way the landscape moves, potentially hindering or helping the nocturnal on their path.


The key to Nocturne is how players are taught, if the game only appeals to composers or musicians it won't succeed as a design. Carefully teaching players how compositions work through simple development of compositional knowledge using game levels to teach players through a mix of trial and error and guided examples. If the game can successfully teach players even simple aspects of this while using the engine to gloss input into beautiful tracks players will be put in a state of wonder as they try to create interesting and beautiful solutions to levels. Combining this with the potential for players to share their tracks and playthroughs either using an internal system or common streaming or video sharing services


●Music made by the player

●Unique art style

●Alternate and complex puzzler game play

Fairy woods photo ColorfulAnimatedForest.jpg

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