Submissions by jose.gra6380 tagged uguumymonsterwaifu

'Absorption Magician' is a 2D RPG for PC, Wii U, 3DS, etc. The player takes the role of the absorption Magician, a ruthless geomancer in a quest for revenge against the guild that exiled her field of magic from history.

The game controls like a turn based RPG, with teams being up to three characters in size. The absorption magician can form contracts with the monsters she battles, urging them to join her side as teammates. All monsters have a unique stat spread and when leveled up gain skills that can be absorbed.

Yes, absorbed. The absorption Magician has the ability to drain the entire life away from her teammates, permanently killing them in order to gain specific abilities. Her ruthless art of magic consists on forming strong bonds with the living, and taking their life force to become one.

No wonder she got exiled.

Progress through the campaign befriending monsters, getting attached to them, and absorbing them (this step is not obligatory). Then befriend new monsters and start the cycle again, as the absorption Magician becomes unstoppable!