Submissions by jose.gra6380 tagged datsomeflowyo

'Flow' is a 2D Resource and Nature management game for PC.

Life, the universe, and videogames, they all have a certain flow that makes them run and function. Water is the source of life, and its flow determines settlements and the abundance of resources.

In Flow, the player has control over a source of water, in this case a Lake. At certain times, rain or harsh heat may increase or decrease this volume.

The player can draw a path from the lake to the soil around it and then to the sea to create small rivers, or to a patch of sunk in land to create lakes. The player must manage the size of these carefully so that the initial source doesn't dry out.

As the player makes water expand, life begins to flourish. The new living beings place an additional tax upon the water, making the player have to regulate the amount they get so that life may continue.

Eventually humans will appear, and their rapid growth threatens to dry out all water and extinguish life. What will the player do then? Try their best to accommodate human growth and watch them grow, or isolate them?

Flow can be seen as a small simulation of life itself and its deep connection to water.

Image Source: National Geographic -