Género: (Platformer, Shooter, RPG, Tactics, Racing, Fighting, VR, Mystery, MOBA.....)
Plataforma: (Consola, Móbil, VR. Se asume que consola es Switch/Xbox1X/PS4 al menos que indiquen lo contrario. En ese caso intenten usar las caracteristicas de la consola a ventaja de su juego).
Demográfica: (Rango de edad, experiencias e incluso país que el juego intenta satisfacer).
Descripción del juego: (Concepto general del juego. Incluyan como se juega el juego. El estilo de la música, y el estilo visual. Pueden usar imágenes ya existentes dando crédito al autor el final del ensayo).
Link de música: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLzXQEOiIeU
Los juegos no deben ser de un tono ofensivo. ¡Todas las entradas son públicas y reflejan la imagen del autor!
¡Intenten que su ensayo tenga al menos 150 palabras y cubra todos los temas!
En la sección de tags, escriban el genero y plataforma de su juego.
(Crédito a https://twitter.com/PaperBugDev por la imagen)
Genre: Visual Novel, Medical, Drama.
Platform: Console, Mobile, PC.
Target Audience: Fans of medical drama. People who enjoy to read. People who enjoy emotionally heavy experiences.
Game Description: You're a new attending general surgeon at an impoverished region, working there for a week as part of your education. After quickly learning the ropes, you go about diagnosing and getting to know your patients. They all have their own problems and a future to look forward to - and they are all very very sick.
You create a treatment plan for all of them, and go to look for the supplies. Terrified, you realize that there aren't enough resources to treat all your patients. From one moment to the next, you are forced to decide who gets to live and who dies.
You make these choices at the end of each day of the week. The player can see the effects of the guilt on the doctor, and also the impact the decision has on the patient's families.
The music will be atmospheric and chill. During decisions, the game will be completely silent. The music will be extremely somber when dealing with guilt and other depressive themes.
Image credit to Trauma Team (ATLUS)