Submissions by jackwilson tagged routine

'Routine' is a puzzle game about optimisation. In the game, players are presented with a variety of different scenarios representing aspects of the life of many different people. These scenarios may include: a lawyer just arriving at work until they are at their desk working or a teenager waking up and getting ready for school.

The game opens straight into the first scenario, and the player takes control in a first person style using the mouse and WASD keys. An initial two tasks are presented in a list to the right hand side of the screen, for instance 'brush teeth' or 'comb hair' - these are not in any order however. As the player completes these tasks, random new ones are added. The player's goal is to complete all tasks before a timer runs out.

This timer is very strict for each level, and the player should not be able to complete it first try, unless they have previously played. Once the timer runs out the level restarts after a short period. The player should remember tasks from their last attempt, and optimise a route in order to reach the timer.

Image retrieved 29/08/2016 from