Submissions by jackwilson tagged light

'Don't step in the light' is a first person shooter inspired by Superhot, in which the player controls a person with a special device which uses energy captured from light to control time in an area around it. The effect of this device is that time moves slowly in the dark, and quickly in the light - of course interpolated in-between. Unlike superhot, this is not dependant on where the player is, but simply on the light level in each location - as such, enemies in the light will move quickly regardless of where the player is.

The player's weapon is a laser that travels well below the speed of light. Their objective is to reach the end door of the level. In their path however, are both dark and light areas. When crossing dark areas, the player needs to be especially careful if there are any enemies in the light, as they are far less able to react quickly to them. On the other hand, the player has an advantage over enemies in the dark.

Image retrieved 24/08/2016 from