Submissions by Iain.hea6250 tagged 30072016

Mobile App

Glider is like the title suggest a game based around a glider who is flying high in the sky, the aim of the game is to get as far as possible its basically a spin on an infinite runner except you not actually running you would have pigeons flying slow at the start that you have to avoid and then gradually as you progressed more and more objects to avoid clutter the sky and it continuously picks up speed.

The controls would be the phone held sideways and having to swipe either up down left or right to avoid the incoming objects, like typical in most infinite runners the music would be a fast beat creating a level of intensity though for the art style id like it to almost look like water colours that pass and flow off the screen to the point where if you got far enough it would become a fluid blur of colour, The game would also have a ranking system to compare where you sit with your friends and the rest of the world.