Submissions by Iain.hea6250 tagged 27082016

Mobile app

The player is the proud owner of a small dry cleaners but desires to progress in the world of washing but in order to do this he must make a name for himself and build his washing empire.

The scene would be set horizontally with the player hding the phone sideways looking at about 6 tumble dryers to begin with, the player must throw the washing into the dryers by flicking it but taking care tl handle some clothes with care then proceeded to click the dryer to close its door and set it into motion then once its done click it again to open and take the washing out.

This games aimed at people who like grossing games and like to progress and see their time put into a game come back in some form, in this game it would come back in seeing your business grow and getting busier and busier and moving to new premises to expand even further but obviously as this happens it also becomes harder for the player to play successfully in a way keeping them engaged.