Submissions by Iain.hea6250 tagged 23082016

Mobile App

The player handles a ball thats constantly falling downward as though affected by gravity, its falling through a 3D maze in the shape of a cube like this

The player must hold the phone on its side and to control where it moves he must slide his finger in certain directions to change the view point similar to how you could switch the view point in the game Don't Starve for example the player could slide his finger up the middle of the screen then the cube would rotate anti clockwise and if he swiped down then it rotate clockwise then once the player finds an escape to that layer the cube would flip to the next side.

This game would include different tiers of difficulty for example the player could start on one cube but the same cubes sides could slowly gain in difficulty, this game would include end states such as holes in the floor as well as points to be gained that make the player strive to explore the complete maze rather than just going to the exit.

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