Submissions by Iain.hea6250 tagged 19072016

Mobile App

Nice a simple idea of have a cabbage on the center of the screen perhaps with unlock able backgrounds (chopping boards) as you progress through the game and the aim is just to peal the cabbage as fast as you can. You would do this by swiping in a direction alternating each time but the catch is that every so often a cabbage peal will be poisonous and u must swipe up otherwise it will immediately fail that round. This is intended to be quick and simple to grasp so if you have a few seconds waiting for lights to go green at a crossing you can pull it out and mess around, Another feature would be the idea of having high scores among friends (Friends only leader board) so you constantly try and get a quicker time than your mates. The intention is for it to be addictive with easy controls ,bright vibrant colours and entertaining sounds other than that its fairly straight forward.