Submissions by hayden.jon6905 tagged gravity


Another day, just chilling with friends on the 19th storey student lounge… when all of a sudden gravity turns sideways and you fall (that's right, fall) through a window and past skyscrapers.


-One to four players, to see who can last the longest/ get the furthest distance without dying

-Dodge a vast assortment of buildings, bridges, rubble and trees as gravity randomly changes direction (at any given time)

-Fall through buildings that have had the windows smashed/ smash the windows yourself by coasting behind a piece of falling rubble and have a clear route to pass through.

-Falling in a straight line (not moving) will give you a speed boost, but will be harder to control

-A 3D mobile game, utilizing the top, bottom and sides of the touchscreen to direct your avatar as they fall.

End-game awards:

-Fastest speed achieved

-Most buildings fallen through

-Most objects coasted

-Furthest distance without touching ANYTHING

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