Submissions by hayden.jon6905 tagged clouds


A 2d mobile game where you have to move clouds to either obstruct, allow sunlight and deliver rain to certain cities by taking control of the W34-TH4 satellite.

Icons will appear above cities when they require sunlight, shade or rain.

-If a city requires sunlight the icon displayed will be a sun, if the city doesn't get sun crops won't grow and people will develop kidney stones (lack of vitamin D reduces the ability to absorb calcium) and some of the population will die off. But too much sunlight and there will be a drought, drying up crops and water sources and starting fires, resulting in death.

-If the city requires rain the icon displayed will be a water droplet, if the city doesn't get rain the crops won't grow and the people will have no water to keep them hydrated causing death. But too much rain and the city will flood, drowning people and destroying property.

-Standard clouds are just there and will move about, they can be used to evaporate water from water sources on the map (which turns the cloud into a rain cloud, and allows you to transport water to cities), the standard clouds can be used to temporarily block out sunlight from cities that are close to fires so that you can gather water. These clouds have a chance to strike out with lightning potentially killing people.


-Utilizing the touch screen, tap on the sides to increase the wind speed travelling from the pressed side (left and right)

-There are multiple layers of clouds, each having their own wind controls.

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