Submissions by HadleyPatchett tagged kill-me-if-you-can

A multiplayer game focused entirely in the streets of a bustling city, where the objective of the game is to blend in with a large number of NPC's and discretely kill your target who is another player trying to kill a different player as well, inspired by the game: "The Ship" which is similar in regards to killing other players to win rounds, with a feature allowing players to get caught, thus the stealth killing implementation. The game can be divided into multiple rounds where the targets/characters change. Using a range of tools to discretely kill opponents, ranging from simple things like pushing them in front of traffic, to briefcase explosives, the entirety of the game will be based on three main things.

  1. Firstly, if you kill your target.
  2. How quickly you kill your target.
  3. How discretely you are able to pull the first two off.

These three factors will contribute to the player's total score at the end of the game, after all the rounds have been completed (most likely 3-5, depending on number of players). The player with the highest score wins, however a penalty system could be implemented to stop players being too obvious with their assassinations, or killing an unnecessary amount of civilians etc. The game is fully centred on avoiding death, while hunting your own target within a realistic environment on the streets of a busy city.
