Submissions by Exit Chamber tagged ambient

Pretty happy with this ambient-type thing. Lead line could do with some polishing, but that'll have to wait, away for the next week or so.

Blofeld on main pads, Medusa on more pads, PreenFM2 on the twinkly arp, PO32 for the drums, Wavestation and Nord Rack for the piano parts.

Might come back to this, I think it has some potential.

Week 20a.mp37.9mb

A couple of minutes of rough ambient nonsense, really just trying out some effects to get a bit more stereo into my stuff. Not entirely successfully unfortunately.


Late sub because it's been my daughter's first birthday this weekend and I've had literally zero time with my gear.

Made this little ambient thing now for her while she's napping. Only had about an hour so excuse the roughness.

Nord Rack 2X

Rosie's Dream.mp35.5mb