Submissions by David tagged monsters


Somewhere in the distant future, a super volcano capable of blocking out the sun on a global level erupts and causes the biggest disaster the world has ever seen. Thanks to advanced technology, the ash clouds and stray rumble are contained but at the cost of an entire continent. Along with the eruption came super giant monsters that lived inside the ash clouds. Because of its containment and density, the monsters decided to roam freely around the continent which unfortunately, are where the players are trapped.


The "Continent in shadows" is not a world to be taken lightly and it is recommended that the world is traversed with a minimum of two players. The game will be based heavily around co-operation between players and will revolve especially around the mechanic of stealth. Since players will be vulnerable to monsters at any time, the player must navigate around the world without attracting any monsters. Since the monsters are so big, players will have no means of fighting them and once engaged with one they will have to try and flee before getting killed. There will be a lot of things for players to keep an eye out for. For example, the sounds of a distant monster, suspicious movement or vibration of the earth.
