Submissions by danielblakeborough tagged rickrolling

How well do you know Famous Songs™? Do you know every word to Will Smith's smash hit, Getting Jiggy With It? Can you recite every line of Rick Astley's magnum opus, Never Gonna Give You Up? Do Saturday nights see you putting on a rousing karaoke rendition of the infamous Darude - Sandstorm? Well Lyrics to a Famous Song is the game for you!

Test your knowledge of Famous Songs™ against a friend! You begin the game by choosing the genre you both like best, and then the competition begins. You will be given a Famous Song™, and player one must choose the first line of the chorus of the song from a list of five. Player two must then continue with the second line. Play goes in this order until the chorus is finished, in whereupon both players will score points equal to the amount of lines they got correct. If a player chooses wrong, the song does not end, but the player will lose a point. The game continues for an arbitrary number of rounds (chosen by the players), and the player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner!

Gameplay features:

  • Competitive musical fun with your friends!
  • Instrumental versions of the songs play in the background
  • Rickrolling!

Image source: Teehee