Submissions by daniel tagged action

Genre: Martial-Arts, Parkour, Action, 2D
Platform: PC, Console
Demographic: People who are looking for a fun, smooth experience with friends or by yourself.

Description: Rooftop Rumble is an action, martial arts game inspired by stick figure animations of Xiao Xiao. The MVP is simple. You play as a fighter that uses parkour and fighting skills to beat up enemies. The game has 3 modes. Story Mode that introduces the mechanics and a an enjoyable story. Wave Mode and Battle Mode. Wave mode pits you and enemies fighting for as long as you can and Battle Mode is you and 3 other people fighting together using your skills. The game has a focus on parkour so that the fighting and movement system is to be very smooth and very responsive to your attacks and blocks. The maps are set to mostly set within rooftops hence the name but they will be very big and diverse in terms of map theme and dynamics to make sure that players can use all their abilities to fight the enemies. The game is made to be fun and enjoyable so the scope is small.

Graphics: The game will be stylized 2D graphics and the move sets will be animated.
Music: Music will be intense orchestra to tell like the feel of having the final battle against your enemy.

Genre: Adventure, Horror, Action, Dark Fantasy
Platform: Console, PC
Demographic: For those who want an uncensored graphic game based on fairy tales.

Description: Grimm is a game that places all of the fairy tales into one world but they twisted to fit the harsh realities of a dark fantasy genre. The player controls plays Red whos based on the Little Red Riding Hood, whos has been cursed by the Wearnith, a demonic being that gave her a beast like appearence and armed with an axe she must get her revenge and undo her curse one body at a time before the curse completly takes over her.
Throughout the game the player meets other dark versions of other fairy tales like Alice in wonderland, Cinderella, Beauty and Beast etc. And by either helping or killing them she can attain helpful items specific to those fairy tales such as poisnous apples from Snow White or blunderbuss from Beauty and the Beast Helping them or killing them will have different effects on the ending and the world around them and trigger additional bosses. The player will also have a special ability called "Fetch Me Their Souls" which transform her into a beast and deal additional damage to enemies. The enemies will be a mix of horrendous being from each respective fairy tale and original monsters for the player to deal with.

Graphic: Grimm is to have a tim burton style graphics but cel-shaded to keep an almost realistic but twisted look at the graphics.

Music: Music will be a slow melody to give players an increasing sense of danger at every corner. The music style will also sound broken to give a feeling of terror and insanity.

Genre: Rouge-like, Action, Third-Person
Platform: Console, PC
Demographic: a game for people who like to feel tension in their games

Description: King of Dungeons is a third-person rouge like dungeon game where you play a custom made character that needs to fight through hordes of enemies until finding the final boss room. By fighting through a procedurally generated dungeon the player gets the best weapons they are able to get and then fight the final battle which is meant to be a high stakes battle that uses everything that the player knows to the test. By fighting multiple bosses that the player has previously fought or new ones and the regular enemies become tougher. The final battle is at a minimum 10 waves. After which the player is greeted with an end game scene. The game also features a new game+ plus mode where the player can take there items from the session and use it on a new harder dungeon. Progression will be saved by finding safe rooms in the dungeon that will allow to take a breather and save your progress.

Graphics: The graphics are going to 90's 3D graphics similar to those of Resident Evil and Tomb Raider.

Music: The music of the game will be a mix of 8 bit and orchestra. The music will be on the lower scale to give the feeling of being in a dungeon and slow to give an exploration feel to it.
