Submissions by calebmcculloch tagged hide-and-seek


Hide and seek is a horror fps hide and seek game that ultises stealth elements. In this multiplayer game one person gets selected to be a scary monster (the seeker) and the rest all become hiders and must do their best to avoid the seeker. The hiders are given 30 seconds to run and hide somewhere on the map, objects can be interacted with e.g hiding behind wardrobes and inside bins etc... Then the seeker is released.

The Seeker wins when all hiders have been killed, the hiders will win if they last longer than a predetermined amount of time (usally around 10 minutes).

Because the Seeker is also some monstrous beast, it will also have incredible agility and will be able to run up walls. It will also have other abilities along the lines of 'hunter sense' and being able to move silently.

The game will incorporate the horror found in games like Amnesia but puts a human in the role of the hunter, making it smarter. The levels will be mostly dark and creepy looking about side from that they should have a good amount of variety to keep things interesting.

A few ideas are: A dungeon, rundown mansion, cemetery, haunted house, graveyard, asylum, the woods, network of underground tunnels etc...

Ambient sounds will play a large role in the game to set the players on edge. There will be sounds that play when the seeker is close, and a few ambient sounds will imitate this noise to a degree.

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