Submissions by andrewwelsh tagged record

This game is an RPG in which the goal is to get from one end of a vinyl record to the other. The player's character would always be positioned at the needle of the record player, and would move through "songs" in order to progress the story. Each song would contain a piece of the story, along with a number of battles. Each song would be split into parts - the intro, the verses, the chorus and the outro. Each song would have a varying number of verses and choruses, and would be comprised slightly differently. Both the intro and outro would contain parts of the story, and more would be revealed as the player makes their way through the song. For example, batting a boss character in a chorus would result in a small section where the music would be quieter, and will reveal more story to the player. Each section of the "song" will have it's own music, all tied into the same theme. For example, the intro in which the story is first revealed to the player there would be a specific melody, which would be carried through to the rest of the "song", or section of the story.

Image from Retrieved 14/8/2016