Submissions by andrewwelsh tagged racing

This game is a slot car racing game to be played on mobile devices. The game would be controlled using only a single touch, allowing it to be played in almost any situation. It would be an incremental game, with the player gaining currency in order to power up their slot car. This currency would be earned with every lap the player completes, and would be proportional to the time of the lap. Along with powering up the car's speed and grip (how well the car stays on the track), the player would be able to purchase new tracks. These would become gradually longer as more are purchased, however would be in different locations with different themes, and would different rewards. Falling off of the track would result in a time penalty being added to the player's time, reducing the amount of currency they earn from the lap. However, some tracks would have areas where, at the correct angle, the player could slide their car off of the track and onto a rap in order to skip a section and reduce their time greatly. This introduces risk and reward into the game, and doesn't completely punish the player for trying to achieve the jump as they will still gain some currency, and would be able to continue gaining the currency on their next lap.

Image from retrieved 2/9/2016

This game is a racing game for mobile. It would be played using touching, swiping and on the iPhone it would make use of the new Force Touch features. Each of these controls will do activate a special ability, which would give the player a slight advantage in the race. The phone would be held vertically, and the player would steer by tilting their phone. Each of the inputs from the player would only need one finger, so the game can also be played one handed. The abilities would be things such as raising the car higher from the ground allowing them to drive over the other cars without colliding with them, giving the player a small boost, allowing the car to drive underwater, and many more. The races would take place on a variety of tracks, and would consist of 8 players. There would also be a time trial mode, which would allow players to race their friends and try to beat their best time. The game would be free, with players able to purchase different cars which would also unlock variations on the abilities. For example, a more futuristic looking car would use jet boosters in order to rise above other cars instead of the body of the car rising higher above the wheels. The app would also be updated monthly with more races and other forms of new content in order to keep players playing. The simple controls will allow the game to be played by a wide range of different players, and each input would always do the same type of ability. Finally, a range of cars and races would be available. One race, for example, could be based in the middle of a city using street racing cars, while the next could be around a race track in supercars.

Image taken from Retrieved 3/8/2016

Reverse Racing is a multiplayer racing game for up to 8 players in which your goal is to come in last place. Players would race remote controlled cars around a race course filled with large jumps, loops, and other obstacles, while picking up items to help them and hinder their opponents. As it would be very easy to just stop at the beginning of the race and come in last place, a minimum speed limit would be implemented. At the beginning of the race each player would be going slightly faster than that limit, and if they are driving under the limit for more than 5 seconds they will be rocketed to the front of the race. The jumps and loops would also require a certain speed to pass, which would be higher than the minimum speed limit. If a player were to fall off at one of these places they would be put forward two places. For example, if they were in 4th place they would be put up to 2nd place. The items in the game would be similar to the ones in Mario Kart, however items that affect the player would slow them down or stop them completely until they are passed, and items that affect others would speed the other player up.

Image from Retrieved 29/07/2016