Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
You are trying to follow someone at night. You follow him/her through and down various alleyways. Its your job to became the night using your mutant powers, the power to shapeshift into any animal you want. You use this power to stalk and follow high profile people to steal from them or collect information. While your creeping throught the alleyways you have to hide in different places, you can either stay as yourself. You are given three different animals and you have to choose which one you want to turn into. You have 5 seconds to decide and what ever animal you choose determineds how sneaky you were at moving. Once they start catching on that your following they will start to run and then games speed will imcrease.
For the love of pizza and everything delicious, you play a master chef looking to create various pizza. Your store is different you make new pizzas with every new customer. You are given little sheets from customers explaining there interest and favorite types of foods, from this information you must create a pizza. There are random ingredients and you must find the best from what you have read from each customer. Once each unique pizza is made you are rate, there are also different game modes you can play from speed maker. This mode players have 1 minute to create as many accurate pizza to fit there customer. Ultimate mode you are given 5 very difficult orders and with little information you please your customers. This is a fun little iPhone and Android game. Simple tap controls to add and remove ingredients and take orders.
An average man left for dead on a tropical island has been unconscious for 5years and some how still alive. You play as a skinny man left to fend for himself, you must search through the tropical jungle and survive. You collect anything that's eatable and won't kill you so you can life to see the city again. As you expand and get use to the island you must also adopt. There are four parts to this island and you must learn to live in all four if you really want to live. After 5year you have got nothing but yourself and your super lacious hair which you must also master. You must unlock moves and actions you can use with your hair, you must make your hair an extension of yourself. Hair could be used to get over gaps, defend, attack and even as cover.
Just like operation you have to be careful and patient but fast aid gives you no room to do either. The city was hit with a mega earthquake and there are hundreds of injured civilians in need of your help. You play the part of a doctor helping as many injured people as possible. This fun little app game is all about quick decisions and making critical choices. You have to help as many people in one minute and each patient is hurt differently. When you tap on the patient three options pop up and you have to choose based on what you see, once you have chosen you have to move on. After the minute is over you are shown how many people you saved and how many died. You can choose to spend more time for one patient and get %100 on patients saved or go for the numbers and hope for the best.
Fight the virus is a battle for your health and well being. To start of you are given a random virus or sickness and depending on how severe determineds how strong your opponent is. You create your character and get thrown into a arena which is just different houses or stores, players are given a random virus or illness which is brought out of there body and they must fight it. Each stage and difficulties are determined by how hash and severe the illness or virus is, the biggest the virus the strong your opponent is. The game is played in stages where you wake up with whatever then you get one chance to battle and if you win you are healed and move on but if you lose you'll have to keep the virus and your stats are lowered. So everyday you have to battle a new virus or continue battling your virus. Everyday your left with the same virus you are slowly weaken and if you win you grow stronger and healthier. Weapons are available to use but in the beginning you'll have one or no weapons but further into the game you are given better stages and more weapons.
You play as a child on a little summer camp over the holidays. You start a little game of capture the flag, first few rounds are just for practise(tutorial games) then the real game begins. After two tutorial games you bigen to get very serious very fast. You are leading your team to victory at any means. You can decide to send out scouts to bring back info and make a plan or you can headout and hope for the best. A game filled with various options for capturing the flag but with each option there will be challenges you must overcome. You play through the day and slowly head into the night where the true savages of capture the flag came out. You can climb and jump through trees like a monkey or move between the shadows and bushes like a cat. Ultimately you have the power for the overall outcome.
Octopus battle is a customization game where players have to unlock battle gear and new types of octopus. Each player starts with the basic octopus then as they progress through the ga!e and win more battles they unlock more gear and better octopus for battle. Sea based game where you battle to defeat your opponents in a open water battle field. You must use anything you have to win, controling the battle octopus you can move and dodge attacks the counter with your artiliry. These attacks range from melee to long range and players can equip swords and cpguns as weapons.
A crafting game based around battle ships, pirate ships and anything that you can think of building and sailing. Players are dropped onto an island left with basic tools to collect resources and craft materials. Once players have there materials they begin building various ships to race, battle or just show their skills. Game based heavily around crafting from resources and building up your material list so you can build anything. Players can also find scraps from broken ships to help speed up there material list. Giving the option to race and battle allows players to compare ships and learn what to make and what not to make. Winners of these races and battles receive rare components to upgrade and better the ships. You can team up with others or be a solo shipwright.
A master thief whose is know all over the world yet cannot be caught. There are two sides to a heist the entry and exit, starting the heist is the easiest but once you have your treasure you still have to escape. Escape your fate is theextra fn part of being a thief the great escape. You never know what could happen on a job so you won't always be able to use your plan exit strategy. This game focuses on how you use your surroundings and abilities to escape from all types of police and secret agencies. Some jobs are easier then other the more challenging jobs wil test you on how fast you are and how much you know your heist. Using objects laying around or secret pathways you can uncover to escape th. You start the game at a reasonable level of skill and as the game progresses you can build on certain skill sets that you havhave e.g. sight, slow-mo, agility, speed, wit and more. This game is focused around escaping but you are still able to play the first black of every heist with only little parts to do. Once you have your treasure or loot its all on you and its show time. Depending on what the plan is you either escape by yourself or you have to bring your team with you. Having extras makes your job alittle hard so you must be extra careful.
you are the prankster and want to take the title of prince prankster. You play as a young prankster setting up gags, pranks and anything to make people laugh or to humiliate students. A third person game were you can run around your school, home, streets and even shopping centres. Just cause havok and laughter anywhere you go. There will be main objectives for big pranks and side missions where you have to play a prank on a certain person, this allows players to choose from a range of tools and methods to pull of there mission. And for a little free play you are given the free roam option to just walk around and do whatever you like. You are working up to the greatest prank you will ever plan and all these minor stunts are to build rep, tools and all preparation for the big show. A game based around a young joker typer character were gaining laughs are the best possible rewardalong with thee reputation.
This is a firefighter racing game where you can climb up walls, over walls, fastest to take out small or large fires and even firetrucks racing. Plays must tap at the right time to execute an action e.g. if you are running towards a wall you must push the button just before to get hte best jump otherwise you will hit the wall or fall short. Players can customize the characters and Eve there truck, you must beat your opponents and you own time
A little app game you can download from the app store. Rocket to the moon is a simple and enjoyable game where you play as a child who dreams of traveling to the moon and seeing space. Like any child he dreams of being an astronaut and captain of a rocket ship. The game is played when you child goes to sleep, its set in his dream where you take off from a lighthouse where you secretly have a rocket station. An endless runner type spaceship game where you fly through the atmosphere dodging space junk and meteors. Game has simple controls just tap left or right to switch lanes and possible chance for extra upgrades like guns or boosters. Each upgrade gets better and better the further you travel. Rather then collect coins to buy upgrades you collect junk or special meteors that you can sell. The idea is to reach your dreams and fly into space and land on the moon.,d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNGlMmbt1ocqopKFxVT5Cyzch9C4Dw&ust=1440154293923652The wild wild west a place of many mysteries and adventure. In this wild west story you play as a lonely cowboy just doing his duties, suddenly the ground is shaking and you start to see shadows emerge. Along with these shadows demons and Beast alike start to crawl out from the ground. As a retired sharp shooter and legendary gunman you try to find a quiet life in the west. Up until the earth was torn you were living the life you'd dreamt of living. The Gunman trail is an third person action game with controls based from GTA and the rough look of red dead redemption. The twist is every night you prepare for war, each night or every second night brings the creatures that crawled out of the ground to feast and destroy. The nights the creatures emerge is random so buy dayyou do jobs to earn money to buy equipment so that you can protect yourself and you little town against the evil. With many different weapons from melee to firearms you will have plenty of fun hacking and shooting at whatever comes your way. There are also demon post or stores where you can purchase higher powered weapons or upgrades to your weapons, to purchase these items you must finish missions for certain demons and creatures. Ultimately this is a western mystical, beat em up, hack an slash game.,d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNGyuYMVuhjW4YfLwUrPgAsZsXNSfg&ust=1439994316175706,d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNFqAt0DXxYfK-6P9LXhk6Tw_6EZ_Q&ust=1439994596522036
A flute master and creater of great things. You are a highly trained bank robber with your tool of choice the Mighty FLUTE. You do little jobs around town after getting a feel for what you can do with your flute you begin your real jobs. High rolling banks and vaults are your target with a small crew you must plan these heist and then excited your plans. Each member has there unique methods and tools but armed with your flute you are the best. You follow routes that you have planned out, using simple W,A,S,D you can move freely inside the stores and banks. It's your job to make sure everyone gets in and out safe so the cameras and guards are your job. Use the flute to make guards dizzy and fall asleep or even explode there brain with your sweet tunes. learn the ways of Kung Flute, using the flute you can detect guards, disable cameras, shortcircuit small power boxes and a range of attacks.!this is the ultimate robber game with a great set of music and tunes to rob to.,d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNGbX5beE_7C5UJiNHkb2hVKr8TjTA&ust=1439982018692372A little app game for iphone and android devices. You play as a shark who was accidentally caught on a fisherman's hook. You play as a shark who is chasing fisherman around the ocean, creeks and lakes. Endless runner where fisherman run away when they accidentally catch a shark. Chomping through the docks and chasing boats depending on where you are you could be chasing big or small boats from yachts to kayks and even people just fishing off a wharf. As you chase the people you have to avoid different objects that are thrown at you, getting hit by a certain amount of objects you get pushed back.if you are pushed too far back you will lose your prey and starve. Objective is to catch lunch and give them a bite for hooking you. Cute little app that can be played while you wasted time on the bus or at fun work.,d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNF4hEQCddeIZte5d_xmqHLYRH-vdg&ust=1439898115712065dance dance raver is a iPhone and Android app game. Where you are given a certain amount of time to get everyone to dance. You rock up to a person or group of people and you have to match a set of dance moves to make them dance. The more dancers you have the more money you get, like promoting a club. Players can also get coins to purchase costumes and other accessories. Players could also play with there friends by switching to multiplayer as nd yous can race to see whose the best.
your aiming to be the top chef and you want to prove yourself you help anywhere you can to learn to cook. In every stage you control a different part of he chef to make a dish, you could control the hands and cut vegies for soup. This game is about accuracy and speed two highly needed skills while in the kitchen. Or maybe control the legs and run around the kitchen getting food and stuff for your meals. This is a fast pace first person game with very simply controls and buttons. Play on many different stages and in many different restaurants all over the world.,d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNHZqOcWSak2mfFvxCwlCf3lKC-i_w&ust=1439726139014900
A platform battle Royal fighting game with tacos and guns. You select your brand for your taco store and you prepare for a war. There are team battles or 1v1 battles where you shoot your unique taco and try to destroy your enemies. The tacos are like bullets and whatyou use to make your taco determineds what type of taco you made. Players run around a 2D platform trying to take destroy there store.
Controls are basic just W,A,S,D, to move and jump. Spacebar to shoot and using your mouse you aim. Q and E are to scroll through your weapons and the numbers to switch between potions and herbs.
Before every battle you get to select your ammo just like plants vs can create explosive tacos or flaming tacos by adding chilli. You can also change what gun you have to add different perks.,d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNHtvGkybe9iS-FLYazJjjBq4k6y2g&ust=1439639015429517,d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNHTuPoeepTr4VHqZv1s-UJYyzH2tA&ust=1439639265009679
a platformed game where plays run through different stages and collecting coins. But at each checkpoint weight gets added to the play as they run past the more checkpoints they past the heavier they become. Running through certain stages will be hard enough but with added weight all your movement will be slowed.To assist with the weight you collect coins and the more coins you the more upgrades and power ups you can buy. Power ups that can increase your speed with a certain amount of weight loss it much easier for more difficult levels. With various types of weights given at every checkpoint its best to have alittle bit of power ups or upgrades with you. Some weights might be attached at your arms or legs leaving you help less to smash blocks or even run, players can purchase or earnthe power ups to give extra arms or increased jump to hop over large sections of the level.
Power ups
-extra arms
-extreme jump
-extreme speed
-increase leg & arm strength
(Screenshot from one piece that gave me the idea)
Third person fighting and adventure game based around hunting and destroying. You play as a pack leader of the snow people and you have to protect and guide your clan to safety. You are there leader and you must guide your clan through various types of snow storms and disasters. You are given different options to scout ahead or collect equipment for your clan to survive. You have to watch over everyone and make sure as many people make it to safety across the snow desert. The snow desert is a large flat surface but the hard part comes with the winter and the many giant storms it brings. Other then the natural elements you'll be protecting your clan against other hhunter or rivrival clans trying to make it to safety as well. This game is a all fofree for all type of game where anything you see that isn't apart of your clan is trying to kill you. With such largelarge and incredible winters the snow desert is also home to snow giants, hybrid bears and wolfs who come out of hibenation for the big winters. You can hunt, collect, do nothing there any many different options for you to choose from and you must find which way you will go to survive. Set in the old days you are a native clan but when winter hits you move to the other side of the snow desert for the warmth. You must rely on your knowledge and skills to survive theses hard winters.,d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNGEpi0O_Q9YitcDiHYtYjSZ94dVqA&ust=1439464722205495
You are tossed into a dark hole and all you can do is listen to the roaring of the crowd. You are a prisoner and a slave to the Royals, wealthy people who have nothing more to do with there time and money. You have been caught stealing off the Royals and now suffer the harsh punisment the Pit. As a slaveman you are locked away and only move when it is your turn to fight. In this game you play as a prisoner/ slave and you mist survive and destroye the Royals. The game changes from when your locked up and searching for anything to help you escape and fighting insode the Pit. But you are put against various types of fighters from swordsmen to boxers, most of your opponents are other prisoners fighting for fthere freedom but there are a few Royal champions you mist face.
A game based around survival and escaping from prison you have to become a fighting champion and destroy what the Royals have created.,d.dGY&psig=AFQjCNHQzCGW2Rd-zVcMAH1YeK-Rt9ViFg&ust=1439380535675999
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